Youth Villages children need gift donors in Bartlett

Bartlett Area Chamber and Kiwanis members have made it their tradition since 1993 to reach out to approximately 100 children at the Youth Villages Bartlett Campus by purchasing and wrapping gifts and providing a Christmas party for the residents. These Holiday Heroes are hosting the big party on Dec. 14, and they need 30 more Heroes to join in so all the children will have gifts.

Heroes can download the registration form at, complete it and email it to They will receive an email shortly with the child’s information.

The gift budget per child has a strict limit of $100. Despite the generous spirit of Holiday Heroes, it’s important to the residents that gifts are equitable. Donors are asked to try to buy everything on the list. Volume is more important than brand.

Each gift should be wrapped and have a firmly attached tag with the child’s name and cottage clearly marked on it. All items should be placed in a big bag to keep them together, and the outside of the bag should be marked.

Holiday Heroes have the option of bringing the gifts themselves to the party, which will be Dec. 14, or dropping off the gifts at the Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce office by Dec. 9; the office is at 2969 Elmore Park Road, Bartlett.

The location of the party and directions will be sent with the child’s wish list. Party times will be in the range of 1-4 p.m. and are determined by cottage, and that information will be distributed later.

Youth Villages’ Bartlett Campus provides residential mental health treatment for boys ages 8-17 and girls 11-17 who have serious emotional and behavioral problems. For more information, visit

For more information about Holiday Heroes, call (901) 372-9457 or email