2013 Christmas parade: You’re a winner, Mr. Grinch

Sweepstakes Trophy for Bartlett High School's Senior Class 2014 in the city's Christmas parade.
The Grinch and his entourage stole first-place honors for Bartlett High School’s Senior Class 2014, taking home the Sweepstakes Trophy at Bartlett’s static Christmas parade this Saturday.
BHS Freshman class
Bartlett High School freshman class won first place for Santa’s Trophy-Middle/High School in the Bartlett 2013 static Christmas parade.
In Saturday's Christmas parade in Bartlett, Bon Lin Elementary won the Santa's Trophy - Elementary School.
Bon Lin Elementary took home the Santa’s Trophy-Elementary School in this year’s Bartlett parade.
Cub Scout Pack 334 won first place for the Mayor's Trophy - Youth Civic Group.
Cub Scout Pack 334 won first-place honors for the Mayor’s Trophy-Youth Civic Group in the Bartlett 2013 static Christmas parade.
Cub Scout Pack 265 won second-place honors for the Mayor’s Trophy – Youth Civic Group.
Cub Scout Pack 265 won second-place honors for the Mayor’s Trophy-Youth Civic Group in the Bartlett 2013 static Christmas parade.

Not shown: La Luz Del Mundo Church took home the trophy for Spirit of Christmas-Church. (The church’s photo was not available at press time and was published the following week; see it online here.)

Photos by Tyrone Randall


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