The West Tennessee Veterans Cemetery was the site for a flag placement service on May 23 and a public Memorial Day service on May 25.
Ladd Golf Carts provided golf carts to assist those unable to walk from the parking area to the program center.
The cemetery is at 4000 Forest Hill-Irene Road, Memphis. Operated by the state of Tennessee, the cemetery opened in 1992 and has more than 20,000 graves of veterans and their spouses.
The flag placement service began at 8 a.m. May 23. A partial agenda included:
- National anthem
- Guest speaker
- Placement of a flag on each grave by Scouts of all ages as well as by family/friends of veterans interred there
The Memorial Day service beganat 11 a.m. at the cemetery and was hosted by the West Tennessee Cemetery Support Group and co-hosted by the Boy Scouts of America (Chickasaw Council, Eastern District). A partial agenda for the program included:
- The display of a U.S. flag on each grave
- Patriotic music
- Posting of the Colors by Tennessee National Guard
- Guest Speaker: Col. Jeffrey A. Anderson, USA, Army Corps of Engineers
- City of Germantown S.W.A.T. Team
- Attendance by numerous city, county and state dignitaries