Upcoming events set for Bartlett

calendar-of-eventsThese upcoming events are right around the corner for the Bartlett area:

  • The Bartlett Community Concert Band (BCCB) will be in concert at 7 p.m. April 2 at the Bartlett Performing Arts and Conference Center, 3663 Appling Road, Bartlett. Admission is $10.
  • The free spring movie series, Bartlett Movies in the Park, will begin on April 1 with “The Lego Movie” at W.J. Freeman Park after sunset.
  • In honor of Bartlett’s 150-year anniversary, Bartlett Historical Society will presents History Weekend “Bartlett Memories.” On April 16-17, visitors will see Bartlett history come alive. It begins at the Bartlett Museum/Gotten House on 2969 Court Street. Hours will be 11 a.m.-3 p.m. April 16 and 2-5 p.m. April 17.
  • The Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce (BACC) and the Northeast Shelby County Rotary Club will present Bartlett a la Carte 2016 at 5-7 p.m. April 17. It will be at the Colonial Country Club, 2736 Countrywood Parkway, Cordova. The event features food, beverages and socializing with a silent auction. It benefits Youth Villages. Tickets are $45 for individuals, $80 for couples or $400 for a block of 10 tickets. Register online at http://bit.ly/BALC2016.

One thought on “Upcoming events set for Bartlett

  1. Ski Wicinski says:

    Just wanted to be sure you have the correct address for the appearance of the
    Fincher’s Gospel Quartet who will be singing at Ellendale Baptist Church @
    3861 Broadway Road on April 16, at 6:00pm.

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