United Methodists to gather for 2016 conference June 19-22

Memphis-Conference-LogoUnited Methodists from throughout West Tennessee and Western Kentucky will gather June 19-22 in Jackson, Tenn., for the 2016 Memphis Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church.

Northside United Methodist Church at 2571 North Highland will host the event. As many as 750 delegates, along with family, friends and special guests, will gather to worship, learn, conduct business and celebrate accomplishments.

Based on 2015 data, the Memphis Conference includes 79,647 members in 417 churches, as well as many cooperative United Methodist ministries and college campus ministries throughout West Tennessee and Western Kentucky.

Northside United Methodist Church is the primary location for the 2016 Memphis Annual Conference, but other United Methodist churches around Jackson are hosting smaller group meal functions.

The United Methodist Church is a “connectional church,” meaning its congregations are connected by a system to guide mission and ministry and govern policies. This system allows United Methodist churches to pool resources to work together more effectively and be in ministry throughout the region and world.

“Offering Christ: One Neighborhood at a Time” is the theme for the 2016 Memphis Annual Conference, as announced by Bishop William T. (Bill) McAlilly, who will preside. McAlilly is the resident bishop for the Nashville Episcopal Area of the United Methodist Church that includes the Memphis (West Tennessee and Western Kentucky) and Tennessee (Middle Tennessee) Conferences.

The event will include a welcome from Jackson Mayor Jerry Gist, multiple teaching sessions, at least four worship services, a concert by the Rust College A’Cappella Choir, other gatherings in song and prayer, a prayer room and prayer services, exhibits and displays, an open house, live streaming, luncheons, a kids camp and nursery, and offerings to benefits two initiatives (Churches Reaching Neighbors and the Jerusalem Fund, to help clergy facing short-term financial hardships).

The live feed link, conference schedule and worship booklet may be found on the Memphis Conference website at memphis-umc.net/2016AC. More information ais also available by calling (731) 664-8480. Learn more about the Memphis Conference at memphis-umc.org.