FAQs: Unique Catering and Event Center
- 2751 Bartlett Blvd., Bartlett
- (901) 937-0828
- uniqueeventcenter@att.net
- uniquecateringandeventcenter.com
- On Facebook as Unique Catering and Event Center
- Owner: Eli Williams
Eli Williams has a distinctive vision for the event center and catering business he debuted in Bartlett in August 2015. He and his staff of seven are eager to please their customers, and they all believe in what they’re trying to accomplish.
“I tell them we are the most unique team in the area,” Williams said. “I named it ‘Unique’ after that. … And the only way to make it unique is to strive to make it the very best it can be.”
Before he opened Unique Catering and Event Center, Williams was already a veteran event coordinator with 16-17 years’ experience. He was the director of facilities and labor management for Hudson Hall at Historic Central Station in Memphis. He opened his own business after he retired from the Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA).
His center has a small banquet hall for 30-40 people and another that will seat up to 300.
“Our main objective is to create an environment so all of our guests would really enjoy and be proud to come to the event,” he said. “It seems to really be working.”
His customers appreciate having the space he offers in a safe city, he said. “They love this area. I’m proud to be in Bartlett.”
The business offers a bridal dressing room, commercial kitchen and on-site catering, as well as convenient parking. Amenities include a bar, stage, podium, microphone, and decorative touches such as centerpieces and a draped ceiling. One room has a projector and 100-inch screen, and the other has a 40-inch TV to display images or videos.
Weddings are the house speciality, but Unique Catering also does business retreats, family reunions, parties and more.
The personal touch is important to him, and he strives to stay attentive to his customer base.
He invites people to visit his center and get the “wow” factor in person.
“I love them all and I tell them how much I appreciate them just stopping by, even if they don’t book for that day,” he said.
That sincere desire to serve the customer is important to Williams.
“It makes his day to see a customer have a nice time at his event center. “The initial object is not just to make money. It’s to be in this business to see people have a great time in their lives.”
He continued, “God is blessing us. When he blesses me to bless other people, I guarantee that’s what I’m going to do. That’s really what it’s all about.”
Written by Carolyn Bahm, Express editor. Contact her at (901) 433-9138 or via email to bartlett.editor@journalinc.com.