TWRA to hold public listening sessions for Tenn. hunters, stakeholders

The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency will be holding public listening sessions for hunters and stakeholders at various locations across the state this month. The goal of the meetings is for the agency to share information with the public and to receive input regarding hunting seasons, which are set every two years.

In 2018, TWRA switched from setting hunting and fishing regulations annually to an every other year rotation, with fishing regulations being set this year.

While TWRA is not setting hunting regulations again until 2020, the agency is holding public meetings to allow sportsmen and women to meet with biologists and discuss hunting and wildlife related issues face to face.

TWRA will present major current issues and game harvest trends in each region, followed by table discussions, including:

  • Chronic wasting disease (CWD)
  • Wildlife management areas
  • Deer
  • Turkey
  • Bear
  • Elk
  • Small game

TWRA Chief of Wildlife Joe Benedict commented, “We too are hunters and anglers and enjoy interacting with sportsmen and women across the state. We look forward to these meetings to share information and hear their input.”

The meetings will be held on different dates at six locations across the state:

  • Cleveland: 5-7 p.m. Aug. 6 at Cleveland State Community College – Johnson Building, 3535 Adkisson Drive, Cleveland.
  • Morristown : 5-7 p.m. Aug. 7 in the TWRA Region 4 Office, 3030 Wildlife Way, Morristown.
  • Cookeville – 6-8 p.m. Aug. 13 at Hyder Burks Pavilion, Meeting Room Area, 2390 Gainesboro Grade, Cookeville.
  • Nashville: 6-8 p.m. Aug. 12 at the TWRA Region 2 Office, 5105 Edmondson Pike, Nashville.
  • Jackson: 6-8 p.m. Aug. 29 at the West Tennessee Research & Education Center, 605 Airways Blvd., Jackson.
  • Memphis: 6-8 p.m. Aug. 30 at Bartlett Firing Range, 3200 Brother Blvd., Bartlett.