Traveling together enriches family life

The Peel family has been to all seven continents over the past decade. The visits all around the world have allowed Peel to exercise his spiritual purposes and hobbies. PICTURED: David Peel and his wife, Trish.

Special to the Express


Sitting with families who have lost a loved one in a truck crash, or are recovering from terrible injuries, our visits often turn to memories. Those “good times” usually include family time and travel. Sometimes, settlements from injury cases even pay for memorable trips for my clients.

David Peel

“Travel is the only money you spend that leaves you richer.”

There is a belief that travel is just too expensive. But it need not be. When I was a broke law student, Trish and I went on those time share weekends for $59.00. If you sat through their 90-minute presentation, they would give you show tickets and a free dinner. Before I got banned for life (yes, really) we did those regularly.

Frugal travel in those early days may have included a day trip to Reelfoot State Park to see a bald eagle and eat sandwiches on a picnic table by the lake. We would hike at Shelby Forest, float the Spring River, or camp at Natchez Trace Park.

As my practice grew, I was able to participate in mission trips to places like Ukraine, Africa and India. Eventually, years later, we decided to invest more in traveling with our three children, whom we homeschooled. In addition to a lot of camping and hiking, and Razorback games in Fayetteville, we all went on a church trip to the Holy Land. It is a special thing for a father to help baptize his children in the River Jordan. It is amazing to touch the stairs on which Jesus walked. We will never forget skipping rocks on the Sea of Galilee.

This experience led to even more focus on getting our kids to see more of the world. We did the whole RV thing, 5,000 miles throughout the western United States. Memories I still cherish with the kids include seeing the Grand Tetons, walking Yellowstone, four-wheeling in Moab, firing machine guns in Nevada and camping out in the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

It then became natural to get our kids involved in my international mission efforts. When I was asked to lead a 3-day pastor’s conference in India, it seemed like the perfect opportunity.

We were going halfway around the world, so why not just go all the way around? The idea grabbed me and never let go. Who could ever forget going around the world as a family?

Turns out, there are services that build airfares for such a trip, and what I thought might be out of reach could actually be done. I have forgotten much about the costs of that trip, but the memories are priceless. Kayaking in Fiji, diving the Great Barrier Reef, walking Tokyo and climbing the Pyramids. The kids even led their own children’s conference and my bride ministered to the ladies. We headed west on through Rome, Florence, Venice, Paris and London.

Since then, our children have helped us build out an orphanage in the Amazon Jungle in Colombia, having been there at least five times.

Trish and I just traveled around the world for our 25th anniversary — this time without the kiddos.

I place great value on these experiences, from simply picnicking at Reelfoot in the early ’90s to an exclusive overwater bungalow in Bora Bora just months ago.

No matter what travel we can do, we seldom regret it!

DAVID PEEL seeks justice for those injured in tractor trailer and car accidents, medical malpractice, and disability. He often addresses churches, clubs and groups without charge. He may be reached through, where his articles are archived.