Trail enhanced for Agricenter visitors

Dignitaries were on hand Sept. 5 for the ribbon cutting of the new Greenprint Certified trail at Agricenter International. The trail, formerly just a dirt road, now more easily connects the Shelby Farms Greenline with the Agricenter Farmer’s Market with about 3,885 of new paving. The total trail is about 1.5 miles. Known as Agricenter Sunflower Trail, it is open to bikers, walkers and runners. They will be able to enjoy views of agricultural crops, the solar array, and more from the trail. Pictured, from left, are John Zeanah, deputy director of Memphis-Shelby County Office of Planning & Development; Richard Hollis Jr., chairman of the Agricenter Commission; John Butler, president of the Agricenter; John Charles Wilson, president emeritus of the Agricenter; Heidi Shafer, chairman of the Shelby County Commission; Mark H. Luttrell Jr., Shelby County mayor; Christine Donhardt, director of communications for the Agricenter; and Joe Callaway, vice chair of the Agricenter Board of Directors.
Dignitaries were on hand Sept. 5 for the ribbon cutting of the new Greenprint Certified trail at Agricenter International. The trail, formerly just a dirt road, now more easily connects the Shelby Farms Greenline with the Agricenter Farmer’s Market with about 3,885 of new paving. The total trail is about 1.5 miles. Known as Agricenter Sunflower Trail, it is open to bikers, walkers and runners. They will be able to enjoy views of agricultural crops, the solar array, and more from the trail. Pictured, from left, are John Zeanah, deputy director of Memphis-Shelby County Office of Planning & Development; Richard Hollis Jr., chairman of the Agricenter Commission; John Butler, president of the Agricenter; John Charles Wilson, president emeritus of the Agricenter; Heidi Shafer, chairman of the Shelby County Commission; Mark H. Luttrell Jr., Shelby County mayor; Christine Donhardt, director of communications for the Agricenter; and Joe Callaway, vice chair of the Agricenter Board of Directors.