Special to the Express
Tuesday was the official kick-off for the Toys for Tots 2019 holiday campaign running through Christmas. With the help of more than 35,000 volunteers, U.S. Marines will be conducting 812 local toy collection and distribution campaigns in all 50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam and U.S. Virgin Islands.
The program collects new, unwrapped toys and distributes them to less fortunate children, allowing them to experience the joy of Christmas.
An estimated 15 million children live in poverty in the U.S. The mission of Marine Toys for Tots is to bring Christmas cheer and to deliver a message of hope — one that can inspire youngsters to grow into responsible, productive and patriotic citizens.
The program is currently accepting applications from those who want to receive the toys. Get an application and details by visiting toysfortots.org.
Donors can find out about local toy drop-off sites at the website and also make monetary donations online.
Two local campaigns — Memphis Toys For Tots and Mid South Toys for Tots — will be partnering this year.
Toys for Tots Memphis, serving Shelby and Tipton counties, has the following key dates:
- Applications to receive toys: Oct. 1-Nov. 15
- Campaign responses to applicants: Nov. 5-23
- Distribution: Dec. 7-14
- Campaign end date: Dec. 21
For Christmas 2018, the Shelby and Tipton County Campaign distributed 29,690 toys to 10,463 children. For more information, email memphistoysfortots@gmail.com.
Mid South Toys for Tots serves parts of Arkansas, Mississippi and multiple Tennessee counties, including Shelby and Tipton counties in support of children from newborn to age 12. In 2018, Mid South Toys for Tots distributed 33,322 toys to 11,679 children.