Tom’s Cruise to draw car buffs to Cordova shopping center

April 14-Sept. 29 is the date range for Tom’s Classic Car Cruise at the Countrywood Crossing Shopping Center in Cordova.

The event will be 5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Tuesday nights.

Automotive buffs are invited to bring their classic cars and enjoy the family-friendly atmosphere with oldies music, shopping, and more. There is no entry fee.

The event is sponsored by Gail’s Line Promotions.

For more information, email, go online to or call (901) 818-9774.

2 thoughts on “Tom’s Cruise to draw car buffs to Cordova shopping center

  1. Don Crain says:

    How about some directions…Will be coming from Nesbit MS in my 1951 Ford PU…

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