TNStars awards $1,000 scholarships to 2 local children

Ten kids from across the state of Tennessee – including two in Shelby County – have been awarded $1,000 scholarships by the TNStars College Savings 529 Program in the Tennessee Department of Treasury. Tennessee adults could enter the contest on behalf of a child 15 or younger. The two Shelby County winners were Arthur Janecek, 3, and Pasley Thompson, 11.

The scholarships are awarded into a TNStars account and can be used to cover future post-secondary education expenses ranging from tuition and housing to books, computers, and more. Winners were chosen at random from more than 5,500 entries.

TNStars is designed to give Tennessee families high quality investment options at a low cost to help them put aside money for higher education expenses. Families can invest directly with the program and money can be withdrawn tax-free from a TNStars account as long as it is used for qualified post-secondary education expenses. For details, visit