Three Bartlett businesses granted on-premises beer permits

The Bartlett Beer Board unanimously approved three permit holders at the March 5 meeting. They include:

  • Anita Wong Chu of Memphis, on-premises permit to sell beer at Ani Joe’s Karaoke Kafe, 5808 Stage Road, Bartlett. It will be her first beer permit, and she said she and her staff plan to card ever patron they do not personally know.
  • Angela Riccobono of Bartlett, on-premises permit to sell beer at Little Italy, 7717 U.S. 70. He said he’s been in the restaurant business for 20 years and plans to require ID from every patron. If someone has an expired license, even if they are of age, they will not be able to purchase beer. He plans to personally train his staff.
  • Sun Wai Joe Ng of Bartlett, an on-premises permit to sell beer at Red Hook Cajun Seafood and Bar, 6105 Stage Road, Bartlett. This applicant did not attend the meeting.

No one spoke for or against any of the permits being sought during the public hearings.

Board Chairman Richard Davenport advised all the permit holders, “Please make sure you review the ordinances that were in the application packet you received from the Finance Department. We do not take selling beer to minors lightly, and we do not want to see you back here for a permit violation.”