Tennessee author’s book helps kids resolve conflicts

Tale-of-NullMARTIN, Tenn. — The new children’s book “Tale of Null” (published by Trafford Publishing), published posthumously by author Dan T. Shaw’s wife, Diane S. Shaw, creates a magical ocean world for young readers.

“Tale of Null” tells the tale of Little Null, the smallest and weakest of all the whales. Little Null, although he is small, swims along with all the big whales in the sea. One day, something amazing happens; he and his friends encounter the natives of three islands named Ello, Meno and Pea.

A predicament that must be solved arises between the natives and the group of whales. Little Null finds a way to bring this issue to a nonviolent resolution, teaching young readers that some problems are better solved without anger, violence or intimidation.

“On a grander scale, this story is about the basic issue of conflict and how it can be peacefully reconciled,” Diane S. Shaw says. “Also, the fact that the story features whales teaches children that issues of conflict that are experienced on a daily basis, regardless of their extent, can happen to even the largest of creatures.”

Diane S. Shaw hopes this parable will show children that the values of friendship and understanding are much stronger than the temporary, brute force of strength.

“Tale of Null” (ISBN 9781490755878) is available at Barnes & Noble and at Amazon.

About the author

Dan T. Shaw was a multitalented musician, cartoonist and writer. He authored several children’s books, short stories and song lyrics. Having passed away in 2014, he left several unpublished manuscripts that were originally written for friends and family. Among them was the children’s book “The Tale of Null.” In his memory and in honor of their first grandchild, whom he never had the opportunity to see, his wife, Diane S. Shaw, has completed the manuscript, adding her own illustrations. Diane is a professional artist and an art professor at the University of Tennessee at Martin.