The Memphis chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI-Memphis) took part in the Suicide Loss Survivors Day for the first time this year, meeting on Nov. 17 at Booya’s in Collierville. Some attendees are shown here with the Sewn Together In Our Grief Memory Quilt, which was on display along with the SLSD Memory Tree and the SLSD Impact Statement Board. Organizers said it was their hope that those who have lost a loved one to suicide could find hope and healing by participating. From left are Rick Winn, Steffen Rognsvoog, Joji Palmer and Virginia Winn. For its regular meetings, the group meets 6:30-8:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month at White Station Church of Christ, 1106 Colonial Road, Memphis. For more information, contact Virginia Winn at or Sandra Armstrong at (901) 258-2642. Photo by Ruth Goodman.