John Lithgow once said that “time sneaks up on you like a windshield on a bug.” So, watch out for the windshield because it is already time for Lithgow’s performance in Bartlett. The 3rd Rock from the Sun star will be gracing the Bartlett Performing Arts and Conference Center (BPACC) stage on September 18. Lithgow is not the only star gracing the stage. Local stage and production enthusiast, Kaitlyn Thorne, will also be performing in September. At 14, Thorne may not be a big star now, but thanks to Theatrekids she could be a producer one day.
Theatrekids is a theatre series designed for students grade 7-12 (both veteran and novice) that offers training and experience in skills and techniques for the stage. It encompasses rehearsal instruction in acting and vocal skills, body movement and dance along with backstage technical aspects culminating in full-scale productions with four public performances.
All of the directors are professionally active in theatre arts, are committed to finding hidden talents and individual strengths in a supportive environment. Musicals are large-cast productions that include all participants with the individual parts cast via auditions. With the positive enforcement and confidence-building approach, everyone has something to contribute to the final performance. And this is exactly what the third year veteran of Theatrekids, Thorne, enjoys about the program.
“I’ve been involved in theatre for seven years and this is my third year being involved in Theatrekids,” said the enthusiastic Thorne. “Being able to learn all aspects of theatre, including lights, set, acting and dancing develops not just those talents but leadership skill sets.”
Thorne started developing her stage and production talents with BPACC’s Missoula Theatre productions.
“The second I stood on stage,” said Thorne, “I knew I loved being on stage.”
Her goals and aspirations include branching out, perhaps teaching and directing on Broadway one day. Broadway is especially enticing, because according to Thorne, the one-time, get it right the first time excitement of live performances is more exciting than taped productions for television or the big screen.
Other benefits of Theatrekids are unforgettable memories that only live theatre can offer, an affordable theatrical training experience, Theatrekids apprenticeships, and parental involvement. Registration deadline for the November 8 production, a festival of one acts directed by Lyric Peters and Michael Bolinski is September 14. Registration deadline for the February 28 production of Guys and Dolls directed by Ryan Kathman is December 28. All rehearsals, performances and Theatrekids events are held at BPACC, 3663 Appling Road. For more information on the John Lithgow show, Stories by the Heart, Theatrekids or the full season schedule, please visit BPACC.org or ca