St. Benedict at Auburndale High School has announced graduation information for the 231 graduating seniors in the class of 2014. Of those students, 149 received a total of 502 scholarships that add up to $13 million.
The baccalaureate, a religious ceremony (Mass) will be at 7 p.m. May 15 at the Church of the Incarnation in Collierville, followed by a general awards ceremony. Graduation will be at 11 a.m. May 17 at Hope Church in Cordova and will include honoring 64 students with 110 special awards.
The valedictorian is Nikki Shah, and the salutatorian is Kate Walsh.
Each student’s scholarship/grant information is noted in parentheses after his/her name.
Britany Austen Ahlers (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Kristina Lynne Albonetti, Jacob Bassam Aljundi, Seth C. Allen, and Anna Catherine Arnold (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Alumni Scholarship, Maurelian Scholarship & Trustee Interview Award, Christian Brothers University; Presidential Scholar Scholarship, Spring Hill College; Chancellor Scholarship, DU Educational Grant & Resident Hall Grant, University of Denver; Quintard Award, University of the South at Sewanee).
Marella-Christianne Enriquez Baccay (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Michaih Ley Mahinay Bayani (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Jane Ross Special Olympics Volunteer Scholarship), Jazmin Mejia Bernal, Hannah Gabrielle Bingham (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Michelle Badilla Boongaling, Jonathan David Boulanger (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Kaitlyn Gabrielle Bradley, Sarah Donnealia Brannon, William Hunter Brents (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Eagle Scout Scholarship, Mississippi State University; Eagle Scout Gold Award, University of Mississippi), Hillary Chelsea Briggs, Jack Henry Brock (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Alumni Scholarship, Mississippi State University), Morgan Patricia Shea Bryant, and Mary Katherine Buchholz (Tennessee Hope Scholarship).
Pauline Anne Deang Cabe, Katherine Anne Camilleri (Freshman Academic Excellence Scholarship & Non-resident Tuition Scholarship, Mississippi State University; Foundation in Excellence Scholarship & UA Scholar Scholarship, University of Alabama; Leadership Scholarship & New Arkansan Non-Resident Award, University of Arkansas; Academic Excellence Scholarship, Academic Excellence Non-Resident Scholarship, J. Means Non-Resident Scholarship, University of Mississippi; UT Volunteer Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Tanishia Lynette Campbell (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Access Grant, Mississippi State University; Pledge Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Knoxville; Academic Scholarship, Xavier University), Giullian Caye Merle Caparas, Laura Camila Cardona (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Dean’s Scholarship, Rhodes College; Presidential Scholarship & Trustee Interview Award, Christian Brothers University), Andrew James Carr, Eric Gabriel Castro (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Christopher Allyn Champion, Gina Marie Cianciolo (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Jessica Marie Collins (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Paula Catherine Colter, Jodie Amberly Crocker (Tennessee Hope Scholarship, Engineering Scholarship & Maurelian Scholarship, Christian Brothers University; University Presidential Scholarship, Hofstra University; National Merit Finalist Scholarship, Tulane University; Chancellor’s Scholarship & UCR Achievement Scholar Scholarship, University of California-Riverside), Emily Erin Cross (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Maurelian Scholarship & Trustee Interview Award, Christian Brothers University; Academic Excellence Scholarship, Academic Excellence Non-Resident Scholarship, J Means Non-Resident Scholarship & STEM Major Non-Resident Scholarship, University of Mississippi), Caroline Elaine Cullum (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Rachael Leah Cummings (Boardwalk Pipeline Partners, LP Scholarship; Award of Excellence Scholar, University of Oklahoma; UT Volunteer Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Knoxville), and Emily Claire Curran (Tennessee Hope Scholarship).
Grace Anne Davis (Tennessee Hope Scholarship;New Arkansan Non-Resident Tuition Award, University of Arkansas; Provost Scholarship, University of Memphis), Rachel Elaine Davis (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Dean’s Scholarship, University of Memphis), Marilyn Brooke Deason (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Dominick Michael Disalvo (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Sarah Katherine Dugan, Hallie Erin Dunham (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Lifeblood Scholarship; Freshman Academic Excellence Scholarship, Mississippi State University; Provost’s Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga), and Madison Alexis Durkee (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; ServiceMaster Company Scholarship; Freshman Academic Excellence Scholarship, Key Club Scholarship & Non-resident Tuition Scholarship, Mississippi State University).
Stephen Mitchell Esterman (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Freshman Academic Excellence Scholarship & Non-resident Tuition Scholarship, Mississippi State University; New Arkansan Non-Resident Tuition Award, University of Arkansas; Provost Scholarship, University of Memphis; Provost’s Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga), Austin Edward Estes, Taylor Elaine Etter (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Dean’s Scholarship, University of Memphis), and Henry Jacob Evetts (Out of State Academic Scholarship, Clemson University; Mark Twain Non-Resident Scholarship, University of Missouri; UT Volunteer Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Knoxville).
Kristin Elizabeth Fabian (Presidential Scholarship, DePaul University; Presidential Scholar Scholarship, Tulane University), Michelle Lynn Farler (UIC Chicago Grant, University of Illinois-Chicago), Mathis Farwick, Teresa Marie Ferrante (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Kenny Dolan Living the Faith Scholarship-St. Ann Parish; University Dean’s Scholarship, Christian Brothers University; Ignatian Leader Award, Spring Hill College), Monica Therese Fillion, and Lauren Danielle Frazier (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Access Grant, Mississippi State University).
Brandon Michael Gallagher (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Alexander Michael Garry (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Dean’s Scholarship & Leadership Interview Award, Christian Brothers University), Erika Rose Gavrock (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Athletic Scholarship, Buccaneer Award, Presidential Scholarship & Trustee Interview Award, Christian Brothers University), Mary Hannah Giddens (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Academic Scholarship, President’s Scholarship & Odyssey Distinction Award, Hendrix College; Academic Scholarship, Citizenship Award, & Portier Scholar, Spring Hill College; Quintard Award, University of the South at Sewanee), Bobbie Kristine Gillespie (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Thomas Cole Gilman (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Dean’s Scholarship, University of Memphis), Jacqueline Annette Glover (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; McWhorter Freshman Scholarship/Workship, University of Tennessee-Martin), Jacqueline Nicole Glover (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Leadership Interview & Presidential Scholarship, Christian Brothers University, Patrick James Graham (U.S. Army ROTC Full Tuition Scholarship; UA Scholar Scholarship, University of Alabama; Academic Excellence Scholarship, Academic Excellence Non-Resident Scholarship, J. Means Non-Resident Scholarship, University of Mississippi), Drew Austen Graves, Richard Michael Graziosi III (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), and Mary Gabrielle Green (Tennessee Hope Scholarship).
H & I
Harley Jean Hamlet, Laura Alexandra Hamm, Dillon Anthony Harckum (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Mark Andrew Hartmann II, Jessica May Hawes (Merit Portfolio Scholarship,Memphis College of Art), James Andrew Hays (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Freshman Academic Excellence Scholarship, Non-resident Tuition Scholarship, Mississippi State University; Academic Excellence Scholarship, University of Mississippi), Olivia Quinn Heath, Mary Jane Hedden (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Grace Ann Hill (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Provost Scholarship, University of Memphis), Rachel Nicole Hofer (Tennessee Hope Scholarship;Academic Scholarship, Clemson University; Brock Scholars Housing Stipend, Chancellor’s Scholarship, Grote Chemistry Scholarship & William E. Brock Jr. Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga; UT Volunteer Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Madeline Ann Howard (Academic Excellence Scholarship, Academic Excellence Non-Residence Award, Holmes Scholarship, J. Means Non-Resident Scholarship, University of Mississippi), Anna Lynn Hughes (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Provost’s Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga), and Ana Maria Hurler (President’s Scholarship, University of Maryland).
Matthew James Incardona.
Benjamin Dale Jackson (Maurelian Scholarship, Merit Scholarship & Presidential Scholarship, Christian Brothers University; Engineering Scholarship & Presidential Scholarship, University of Alabama; Freshman Academic Scholarship, James Worth Bagley College of Engineering Excellence Scholarship & Non-resident Tuition Scholarship, Mississippi State University), Cassidy Nicole Jackson, Kirtland Todd Jenkins, Kendyl Rae Jennings, Devin Elise Jewell (Academic Excellence Scholarship, Academic Excellence Non-Resident Scholarship & Holmes Scholarship, University of Mississippi), Caroline Marie Johnson, Mychael Gabrielle Johnson (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Baptist Memorial Health Foundation Scholarship, Baptist College of Health Sciences; Freshman Academic Scholarship & Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship, Mississippi State University; Dean’s Scholarship, University of Memphis; Pledge Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Connor Elizabeth Jones (UA Scholar Scholarship, Alumni Scholar Award, University of Alabama; Cecil C. Humphreys Presidential Scholarship, University of Memphis; Academic Excellence Scholarship, Academic Non-Resident Scholarship, Holmes Scholarship & J. Means Non-Resident Scholarship, University of Mississippi), and Brittani Christine Justin (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Presidential Scholarship, Christian Brothers University; Freshman Academic Excellence Scholarship & Non-resident Tuition Scholarship, Mississippi State University; Provost’s Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga).
Lucy Isadora Kaplan (Monsignor Treece Scholarship, Bellarmine University; Millsaps Award, Millsaps College), Christopher Colin Kegel, Kelsey Ann Kiernozek, Connor Elizabeth Knott, and Lucky Pearl Kirigo Krog (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Challenge 2000 Scholarship & Presidential Academic Performance Scholarship, East Tennessee State University).
Robert Keith Langley (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Jacob Daniel Lawrence, Kristina Mikayla Lawrence, Alicia Nicole Lawson (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Academic Excellence Scholarship & Holmes Scholarship, University of Mississippi), Kenneth Charles Ledet, Andrew Youngha Lee (Presidential Scholarship, Loyola University-Chicago; Presidential Scholarship, University of Alabama; UT Volunteer Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Meredith Leann Lerma, Adrienne Nicole Lewis, Emma Lane Lightner (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Cecil C. Humphreys Presidential Scholarship, University of Memphis; Academic Excellence Scholarship, Academic Excellence Non-Resident Scholarship, Holmes Scholarship & J. Means Non-Resident Scholarship, University of Mississippi; Provost’s Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga), Marisa Nicole Loeffel (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Emerging Leaders Scholarship, University of Memphis), Rebecca Lydia Longoria (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Alumni Scholarship & Dean’s Scholarship, Christian Brothers University), and Hugh Christopher Lynch (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; University Scholarship, Christian Brothers University; St. Vincent de Paul Scholarship, DePaul University; Loyola Scholar Merit Award, Loyola University-New Orleans; Gautrelet Award, Spring Hill College).
Madeline Rose Mahon (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; General Assembly Merit Scholarship Freshman Academic Excellence Scholarship & Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship, Mississippi State University; Presidential Scholarship, Rhodes College; Vice Presidents’ Scholarship, St. Louis University; Distinguished Scholar, Tulane University; Presidential Scholarship, University of Alabama; UT Volunteer Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Rosa Maria Martinez (Maurelian Scholarship, Christian Brothers University; Accounting Scholarship & Provost Scholarship, Murray State University; Dean’s Scholarship, University of Memphis), Ellen Frances Matthews, Robert Franklin Mayer, Stephanie Hannah McCarthy (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; General Assembly Merit Scholarship; Freshman Academic Excellence Scholarship & Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship, Mississippi State University; Cambridge Scholarship, Rhodes College; Presidential Scholarship, Stetson University; Presidential Scholarship, University of Alabama; Gables Scholarship & President’s Scholarship, University of Miami), Abbey Walden McCrory, Crystal Anne McDonell, Kaitlin Kearney McFarland (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Provost Scholarship, Middle Tennessee State University), Michael Reilly McGuire (Monsignor Horrigan Scholarship, Bellarmine University; Collegiate Merit Award & Men’s Soccer Scholarship, Belmont Abbey College; Presidential Scholarship, Christian Brothers University; Dean’s Scholarship, Lee University; Achievement Scholarship, University of Central Arkansas; Non-Resident Top Scholar Award, University of Southern Indiana), Jennifer Elise McKenzie, Laura Elizabeth Meagher (Ruth Leverton Scholarship, University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Amanda Taylor Melvin (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Alumni Scholarship, Dean’s Scholarship & Leadership Interview Scholarship, Christian Brothers University), Elle Andrea Milburn, Anna Elizabeth Miller (Tennessee Hope Scholarship;Dean’s Scholarship, University of Memphis; Academic Excellence Scholarship, University of Mississippi; Mocs Scholarship ’14, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga), Garrett Thomas Mitchell, Olivia Marie Mitchell, Patrick Conor Mitchell, Christine Maurice Moore (Tennessee Hope Scholarship;Maurelian Scholarship, Christian Brothers University), Chaney Katherine Morgan (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Academic Charter Scholarship, Auburn University; Maurelian Scholarship, Christian Brothers University; Freshman Academic Excellence Scholarship & Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship, Mississippi State University; UT Volunteer Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Katherine Ann Morgan (Freshman Academic Scholarship & Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship, Mississippi State University; UA Scholar Scholarship, University of Alabama; New Arkansan Non-Resident Tuition Award, University of Arkansas; Academic Excellence Award, Academic Excellence Non-Resident Award, Holmes Scholarship, J. Means Non-Resident Scholarship & Non-Resident Alumni Award, University of Mississippi; University Scholarship, UT University Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Madeline Marie Morgan (Freshman Academic Scholarship & Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship, Mississippi State University; Collegiate Scholar Scholarship, University of Alabama; Academic Excellence Award, Academic Excellence Non-Resident Award, Holmes Scholarship, J. Means Non-Resident Scholarship & Non-Resident Alumni Award, University of Mississippi), Jessica Anne Morris (Freshman Academic Excellence Scholarship, Mississippi State University), Mayson Linn Morrissett, Joshua Adam Mothersell (Tennessee Hope Scholarship;Dean’s Scholarship, Christian Brothers University; Dean’s Scholarship, University of Memphis), Emily Marie Mott (New Arkansan Non-Resident Tuition Award, University of Arkansas; Academic Excellence Scholarship, Academic Excellence Non-Resident Scholarship, Holmes Scholarship, University of Mississippi), Abigail Kaylyn Muffoletto, Morgan Irene Mundy, Rachel Eileen Mundy (Collegiate Scholar Scholarship, University of Alabama), and Michelle Margaret Murphy (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Presidential Scholarship, Christian Brothers University; Academic Excellence Scholarship & Holmes Scholarship, University of Mississippi).
N & O
Lauren Kady Nabors, Kyle Charles Nestler (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Dean’s Scholarship & Engineering Scholarship, Christian Brothers University; TN Student Assistance Award, University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Joshua Benjamin Newbern (Foundation in Excellence Scholarship, University of Alabama; Academic Excellence Scholarship, Academic Excellence Non-Resident Scholarship, General Accountancy Scholarship, Holmes Scholarship & J. Means Non-Resident Scholarship, University of Mississippi), and Brison Conrad Norris (Tennessee Hope Scholarship).
Liam Joseph O’Donnell (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; University Scholarship, Christian Brothers University; Gautrelet Award, Spring Hill College),and Alanna Marie Oliphant (AutoZone Scholarship; Regents Scholarship, Gonzaga University; New Arkansan Non-Resident Tuition, University of Arkansas; Quintard Award, University of the South at Sewanee; Merit Scholarship, Wofford University).
Rachel Elizabeth Paduck (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Presidential Scholarship & Trustee Interview Award, Christian Brothers University), Giovanny Jesus Paramo, Olivia Katherine Parsels, Sonali Divyen Patel, Morgan Hunt Patrick (Presidential Scholarship & Engineering Leadership Scholarship, University of Alabama), Jamie Elizabeth Patterson (Tennessee HopeScholarship; Presidential Scholarship, University of Alabama; Freshman Academic Excellence Scholarship & Non-resident Tuition Scholarship, Mississippi State University; Cecil C. Humphreys Presidential Scholarship, University of Memphis; UT Volunteer Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Joseph Eric Pearlman Jr. (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Sean Thomas Peck, Erin Michelle Peel (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Daniel Grey Peevy (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Christopher James Petrilak (Tennessee Hope Scholarship, U.S. Army ROTC Scholarship,U.S. Army ROTC Room & Board Supplement, Texas Christian University; U.S. Army ROTC Scholarship, Out of State Tuition Scholar, Freshman University Scholarship & U.S. Navy ROTCScholarship, Florida StateUniversity), Abigail Payton Phillips (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Brittany Paige Phillips (General Scholarship & Will P. Roberts, Jr. Scholarship, Florida Keys College; Athletic Scholarship, Milligan College), Samantha Lee Pilcher, Breanna Davis Pollet (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Military Children Scholar Scholarship; Dean’s Scholarship, University of Memphis; Deans Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Martin), Kara Layne Powers, and Florian Pundmann.
Q & R
Cassidy Lee Quistorff.
John Andrew Raffanti (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Non-Resident Access Grant, Mississippi State University), Zachary Alan Rasmussen, Logan Parker Reid (Athletic Scholarship, Lyon College), Kathleen Marie Riley (Freshman Academic Excellence Scholarship & Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship, Mississippi State University; Dean’s Scholarship, University of Memphis, Alex D Shawn Rittman (MC Incentive Award, Maryville College), Andrew Rhea Roberson*, Madison Gene Roberts, Kaitlin Murphy Rogers, Kevin Anthony Rotzoll, and Sean Michael Rucker.
* Deceased.
Morgan Greer Saller, Savannah Ashley Sanders (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Nicholas Clay Saulters (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Mackenzie Wright Schaaf, Alexis Nicole Schell, Christopher Michael Schuhlein (Tennessee Hope Scholarship;U.S. Army ROTC Scholarship & Dean’s Scholarship, University of Memphis), Hunter James Scrivener (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Collegiate Scholar Scholarship, University of Alabama), Kaitlyn Danielle Seaman (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Dean’s Scholarship, University of Memphis; Mocs Scholarship ’14, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga), Matthew Gregory Sena (New Arkansan Non-Resident Tuition Award, University of Arkansas; Mocs Scholarship ’14, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga), Monica Marie Shah (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Georgia-Pacific Foundation Scholarship; Presidential Scholarship, Boston University; Dean’s Scholarship, Fordham University; GU Scholarship, Georgetown University; Dean’s Scholarship & Leaders for a New World, Northeastern University; Cecil C. Humphrey’s Presidential Scholarship, University of Memphis; Chancellor’s Scholarship & UT Volunteer Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Knoxville; John M. Olin Scholarship, Washington University, Christopher Steven Shaner (Academic Excellence Scholarship, Academic Excellence Non-Resident Scholarship, Holmes Scholarship, J. Means Non-Resident Scholarship & Non-Resident Alumni Award, University of Mississippi), Katelyn Jo Yan Shaner (Academic Excellence Scholarship, Academic Excellence Non-Resident Scholarship, Holmes Scholarship, J. Means Non-Resident Scholarship & Non-Resident Alumni Award, University of Mississippi), Ryan William Shelby (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Emily Anastasia Shelton, Rebecca Ellen Siciliano (AutoZone Scholarship; Bridges of Memphis Scholarship; Freshman Academic Excellence Scholarship, James Worth Bagley College of Engineering Excellence Scholarship, Mississippi State University; Dean’s Scholarship, Southern Illinois University), Amanda Claire Slade (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; UT Volunteer Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Maire Caitlin Smisor, Daniel Reid Smith, Rachel Anne Smith (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Brock Scholars Housing Stipend, William E. Brock Jr. Scholarship & Chancellor’s Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga), William Michael Smith II (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Natalie Ann Sowell (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Mocs Scholarship ’14, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga; Provost Scholarship, University of Memphis), Jeanne Geronimo Sta Ana (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Dean’s Scholarship, Leadership Interview Award, Christian Brothers University), Jill Christina Stark (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; General Academic Merit Scholarship, Belmont University; Maurelian Scholarship, Christian Brothers University; Damen Scholarship, Loyola University-Chicago; Dean’s Scholar Scholarship, Loyola University-New Orleans; College Catholic Awards Recipient & University Board of Trustees, Regis University; Honors Scholarship, Rhodes College; Foundation in Excellence Scholarship & HES Academic Achievement Award, University of Alabama; Provost Scholar Scholarship, University of Denver), Nicholas Jack Stark (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Loyola Scholar Merit Award, Loyola University-New Orleans), Victoria Dove Stepherson (Tennessee Grocers Education Foundation Award), Natalie Elizabeth Stewart, Theresa Anne Stoddard (Presidential Scholarship, University of Alabama; Cooper Scholars Award & Non-Resident Tuition, University of South Carolina), Hunter Mark Story (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Colby Sinclair Strafuss, Austin James Sturdivant (Provost Scholarship, University of Memphis; Academic Award, University of Mississippi), Jessa Nichole Sudduth (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Emily Rose Summers (Chancellor’s Academic Distinction Scholarship,Chancellor’s Leadership Corps Scholarship & Donaghey Scholars Program Full Tuition, University of Arkansas-Little Rock; Academic Excellence Scholarship, Academic Excellence Non-Resident Tuition Award, Holmes Scholarship, J. Means Non-Resident Scholarship, University of Mississippi; Nautilus Scholarship, University of West Florida), Grace Patricia Summers (Commitment to Excellence Tier 2 Scholarship & Athletic Scholarship, Eastern Illinois University; Academic Scholarship, University of Central Arkansas), and Daniel James Sweat (Founders Scholarship, Centre College).
Paige Morgan Taylor, Eloiza Yvette Serato Tecson (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Sarah Kaitlyn Timmins (Tennessee Hope Scholarship;Academic Presidential Scholarship & True Blue Legacy Scholarship, Auburn University; Clemson National Scholar, Clemson Out-of-State Academic Scholarship, Clemson University; University Achievement Scholarship & Froberg Scholarship, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Presidential Scholarship & Viterbi Fellow Merit Research Award, University of Southern California; UT Volunteer Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Valeria Torres (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Dean’s Scholarship, Christian Brothers University), Katelyn Nicole Turner, and Olivia Marie Turner.
Sydney Elise Valadie (AUP Global Citizenship Scholarship, The American University of Paris; Excellence Scholarship, Northeastern University), Tara Nicole VanCleave (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; American Heritage Scholarship, Auburn University; Butler-York Endowed Scholarship, Freshman Academic Excellence Scholarship & Non-resident Tuition Scholarship, Mississippi State University; Honor Scholarship, Rhodes College), Kyle John Van Hoeck (Presidential Scholarship, Purdue University; Academic Scholarship & Dean’s Scholarship, Samford University), John Michael Vassallo (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Access Grant, Mississippi State University), Caroline Elizabeth Vaught (New Arkansan Non-Resident Tuition Award, University of Arkansas) and Danielle Olivia Maria Verhaak (Access Grant, Mississippi State University; New Arkansan Non-Resident Tuition Award, University of Arkansas; Academic Excellence Scholarship, University of Mississippi).
W, Y, & Z
Alexis Raine Wade (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Lettie Pate Whitehead Scholarship, Belmont University; Loyola Academic Scholarship, Loyola University-New Orleans; Academic Scholarship, Millsaps College), Andrew John Wadovick (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship; President’s Emerging Leaders Program Scholarship & Presidential Scholarship, Austin Peay State University; Maurelian Scholarship, Christian Brothers University), Olivia Spencer Wakefield, Katherine Leigh Walsh (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; General Assembly Merit Scholarship; Belmont University Faculty Scholar, Belmont University; Presidential Scholarship, Rhodes College; Brock Scholars Housing Stipend, Chancellor’s Scholarship & William E Brock Jr. Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga; UT Volunteer Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Hailey Paige Warriner (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Kenny Dolan Memorial Scholarship-St. Ann Parish; Gautrelet Award, Spring Hill College), Jessica Michelle Wathen, Elizabeth Nicole Wiederholt (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Maurelian Scholarship, Christian Brothers University; Freshman Academic Excellence Scholarship & Non-resident Tuition Scholarship, Mississippi State University; Nonresident Achievement Scholarship, Oklahoma State University; Portier Leader Award & Presidential Scholar Award, Spring Hill College; Centennial Scholarship, University of Rhode Island; Provost’s Scholarship, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga; Academic Scholarship & Alumni Grant, University of Tulsa), Samantha Jane Wiley (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), BriAnna Danielle Williams (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), Dacia Marie Williams, Teryn Elesse Williams (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; Lasallian Scholarship, Christian Brothers University), Kayla Morgan Williamson (Dean’s Scholarship, Emerson College; Marquis Scholarship, Lafayette College; Dean’s Scholarship, Simmons College), Catherine Elaine Wylie (Tennessee Hope Scholarship), and Meredith Grace Wylie (Tennessee Hope Scholarship).
Kristen Dawn Yancy and Austen Edward York (Tennessee Hope Scholarship).
Al Frederick Merle Zabella, Devam Ketan Zalawadia (Tennessee Hope Scholarship; University Scholarship, Christian Brothers University), Katherine Clare Zaleski, and Peter Matthew Zaleski.
RELATED STORY: See our profile on SBA’s 2014 valedictorian and salutatorian.
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