St. Ann students bring ‘Godspell’ to the stage for 3 performances

godspell_logo_sm2In just a couple of weeks, students at St. Ann Catholic School in Bartlett will present the iconic Broadway musical Godspell, the Gospel according to Matthew, as told through rock music.

Performances will be Wednesday-Friday at 7 p.m. March 2-4 in the St. Benedict Auditorium at 8250 Varnavas Drive, Cordova.

Godspell tells the story of Jesus from his baptism to his crucifixion. It is in a modern setting with contemporary music. In the performance, Jesus calls his apostles and must correct their childlike misunderstandings about God through comedy, song and storytelling. The show will also feature a live band led by noted musician John Angotti.

“This musical was life-changing when I first saw it,” said director and St. Ann teacher Stacey Peeney. “The music was unbelievable and I had never viewed Jesus as someone so familiar and well … so like a friend.”

Jesus will be played by seventh-grader Alex Crews. John the Baptist will be played by sixth-grader Madeline Cummins. Other students will act as Jesus’ followers along with an ensemble that will perform songs.

Tickets are $5 and will be available at the door or may be purchased in advance in advance by emailing