St. Ann cooks up school kitchen fundraiser

St. Ann Catholic Church and School is asking students, parents, grandparents and alumni for help in funding a challenging project: Upgrading the school’s kitchen equipment.

The three phases are expected to cost a total of $85,900.


Over the past 68 years, St. Ann Catholic Church and School has been a part of the Bartlett community, growing and thriving along with the city. In 1950, the church was started as many churches are, in a storefront location. Over the next 10 years, the church grew in size and into its own building.

Then came the school, which opened its doors in 1960. In its prime the school served more than 700 children. Some of the kids might have only attended one year, while others started in kindergarten and went on to graduate from the school’s eighth grade.

While it is hard to estimate the number of children that have passed through those doors, one thing is for certain: When they left, they were well-educated and had memories that will last a lifetime.

The project

Now St. Ann’s is asking those students, parents and grandparents for help in updating the inefficient school kitchen.

Phase 1 will cost an estimated $34,000 and include a new convection oven, dishwasher, lighting and ceiling tiles. Volunteers and the maintenance crew will refurbish work stations, paint walls and clean the kitchen from top to bottom. The target date for completing the phase is Aug. 1.

Phase 2 will cost an estimated $7,900 and will replace the mobile warming unit and the milk cooler, as well as install a washer/dryer combo and a garbage disposal. The target for completing this phase is in December 2018.

Phase 3 will cost an estimated $44,000. It is a little more complex because it requires the replacement of the vent hood system, which was installed in the 1960s. It also includes replacing the cooking stove, griddle and serving counter equipment. The target for completion is the summer of 2019.

A press release from St. Ann’s stated, “These updates are vital to the livelihood of our school and students. What we ask is for every St. Ann alumnus, as well as our community friends, to prayerfully consider donating at least $10 towards this worthwhile project, and also sharing this article with someone who could in turn donate. We cannot see this project to fruition without your support! Thank you for taking an interest in helping our children and community. Your generosity is having a direct impact on future generations, and we are forever grateful for your kindness.”


There are two ways to donate:

Written by SUSAN HUNT, special to the Express.