Small Business Saturday: Thriving local shops help their communities

When all the Black Friday shopping fever is over, don’t forget about Small Business Saturday. Bartlett-area small businesses like Jaybear Bake Shop at 7124 U.S. 64, Suite 103, are beating the drum to call attention to this shopping opportunity.

Owner Courtni Johnson is eagerly anticipating her shop’s first Small Business Saturday.

“We are so excited to open our doors for the holiday season,” she said. “We are a family-owned business and are excited for the opportunity to continue to work and be an awesome part of our local community.”

She continued, “Along with our wonderful treats, we will begin collecting toys for a local toy store at our shop, offering a discount to our customers for donations.”

Celebrated annually across the U.S. on the Saturday immediately after Thanksgiving, Small Business Saturday emphasizes the benefits of shopping locally:

  • About two-third, or 67 cents, of every dollar spent at a small business remains in the local community, according to
  • Every dollar spent at small businesses creates an additional 50 cents in local business activity as a result of employee spending and businesses buying local goods and services.
  • For every ten jobs at a small business, another seven are supported in the local community.
  • U.S. small businesses are responsible for $4.8 trillion in Gross Domestic Product, equivalent to the third largest economy in the world, according to a new study from American Express.