By Brian Nloom
Regional Manager
Bartlett Alderman look at revamping sign ordinance
Bartlett’s Board of Aldermen passed the first reading of a new sign ordinance and postponed a decision regarding Cedar Hall Tuesday night.
Former Bartlett planner Charlie Goforth gave a brief description of the proposed changes relating to signage in Bartlett. Those changes included different dimensions based on store front footage and distance from the road; information relating to gang-signs for centers with multiple businesses sharing a drive; amount of space signs can cover in a business’s windows and the use of digital signs by governments and churches.
The changes were brought about to help simplify and unify the process prospective businesses face when looking to locate in Bartlett.
Bartlett’s sign ordinance was created in 1979 and, according to some prospective businesses, was onerous to follow.
The new ordinance, as well as another proposed ordinance change relating to the Design Review Commission authority, is designed to streamline the process and make Bartlett more comparable to other area communities.
“Most of the larger companies that have been through this process elsewhere say Bartlett is easy to work with,” Goforth told the aldermen. “But some of the people opening a business for the first time can find it difficult.”
The ordinance addresses a myriad of changes from the number of times a banner can be used by a business to the height of ground signs and landscaping around those signs.
In other action the board:
Approved the appointment of Frederic Rudd to the Design Review Commission.
Approved a resolution to delete an estimated $20,000 on uncollectable property taxes.
Set a public hearing for March 14 approving amendments to the planned development for Brunswick Forest, Phase II.
Changed to FY 2013 budget to pay for an additional police officer at a cost of $64,200.
Approved permits for Bartlett Station Farmer’s Market held at Freeman Park beginning in May.
Approved an event permit for the Crosstown 5K run April 6 beginning at Bartlett United Methodist Church.
Approved a special event permit for St. Vincent de Paul yard sale March 16.
Approved a special event permit for an Easthill Neighborhood Watch social.
Approved the auction of 13 surplus property items.
Approved the purchase of 340 Microsoft Exchange Client 2013 software licenses and various other software licenses at a total cost of $111, 770.65.
Approved the purchase of six Watch Guard in-car video cameras at $30,780.
Approved the purchase of eight dual radar units for $14,500.
Approved eight portable police radios at $22,960.
Accepted the lowest bid from Swope Auto Group for six 2013 Dodge Chargers at a total cost of $139,542 and an additional $27,018 to equip the vehicles.
The Beer Board, meeting directly after the Board of Aldermen and consisting of the same governing body, approved a permit for Nasser Isleem for a store at 7049 St. Elmo in Bartlett.
The board also postponed a decision regarding the sale of beer and wine at Cedar Hall at the request of the facilities owner.