Shelby Fire gets translation tool

ELSA-for-Shelby-FireThe Shelby County Fire Department has a new tool to overcome language barriers during emergencies.

The department now has ELSA, a handsfree device for first responders. When a firefighter presses the button, the call connects through RTT Network Operating Center to a bilingual interpreter within seconds.

Each year, emergency responders everywhere encounter more and more language barriers while on a scene and trying to provide patient care.

“On average, about every 45 minutes, we are sending emergency crews to a critical event,” said Shelby County Fire Department Fire Chief Alvin D. Benson. “Every one of those calls has the potential of involving a language barrier where a patient cannot accurately tell our paramedics and EMTs how we can help. This product will save lives.”

Shelby County Mayor Mark H. Luttrell, Jr. said, “We are so pleased this technology can be used by the Shelby County Fire Department. This is something that emergency responders have needed for some time.”