“Im shooting up the skool sep 22, 2014 good luk.”
Words to chill the heart of any parent or student.
About half of Arlington High’s students missed classes Monday out of fears of a school shooting based on that threat, scrawled on an AHS bathroom wall an estimated seven to 10 days previously.
The threat was handled quietly at first, but rumors about the message blew up across social media this weekend.
Families and school administrators were relieved Monday that the threat didn’t materialize.
With increased security from the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO), the school remained quiet and safe.
“When we were made aware, we put a plan in place in terms of increased security,” said Chip Washington, SCSO public information officer.
The Arlington school district’s Facebook page said on Monday:
“We understand that there is a great amount of frustration since direct statements regarding the threat at Arlington High School are not being made by the school or school district. Please be advised that the Shelby County Sheriffs’ Office has taken the lead in this situation as the experts in this area and is making joint statements on behalf of the sheriff’s department and the school district. It is important to have a single source of information in an effort to eliminate unnecessary confusion from statements from multiple sources. Student and staff safety remain our number one priority and the Sheriff’s department is insuring that this is provided.”