SBA students win Catholic scholarships, take honors at UM language fair

 SBA students earned honors at the 2016 University of Memphis Language Fair.
SBA students earned honors at the 2016 University of Memphis Language Fair.

St. Benedict at Auburndale High School (SBA) — a Catholic school for grades 9-12 in the Catholic Diocese of Memphis — has announced recent student achievements. For additional information on SBA, see

SBA students earn honors at language event

SBA has announced its winners from the 2016 University of Memphis Language Fair.

  • German: Junior Jessica Morrison, third place in the category of German Posters, German Video; junior Julia Kersting, second place in the category of German Crafts; juniors Jessica Morrison, Lexi Fletcher, Annie Longoria and Mary Rose Ornosky, second place in the category of German Video.
  • Spanish: Junior Colleen May, first place in the category of Spanish Greeting Cards; senior Aurin Woods, second place in the category of Music Solo; and sophomore Kara Spencer, third place in the Art category.

SBA juniors receive Remmert scholarships

Recipients of this year’s Remmert Family Memorial Scholarship are, from left, SBA juniors Jessica Morrison and Courtney Cremerius.
Recipients of this year’s Remmert Family Memorial Scholarship are, from left, SBA juniors Jessica Morrison and Courtney Cremerius.

SBA has named two juniors who are this year’s recipients of the Remmert Family Memorial Scholar-ship. They are Jessica Morrison and Courtney Cremerius.

The memorial scholarship endowment fund was created three years ago at the Catholic Diocese of Memphis to benefit rising juniors and seniors. The scholarship commemorates the lives of Herman Albert and Berenice Agnes Remmert for their longstanding commitment to Catholic education.

The Remmerts arrived in Memphis in the 1950s. Over the next 25 years, they supported seven children’s completion of higher Catholic education.

Students with a 3.0 GPA or above compete for the scholarship by submitting applications, reference letters and essays to the Superintendent of Catholic Schools. From these, prospective recipients are asked to highlight early career interests. Other relevant factors, such as faith and service, are also considered in determination of which students are the worthiest scholarship recipients.