The Missoula Children’s Theatre, a popular children’s theater event for the youngest theater lovers, involved 64 Bartlett-area children in last weekend’s performance. The large cast brought a special version of “Rapunzel” to life on the stage of the Bartlett Performing Arts and Conference Center (BPACC) for two performances on June 13.
There was no charge for participation in the one-hour production. Nearly 130 children auditioned for the production.
The next Missoula Children’s Theatre production in Bartlett will be “Aladdin” on Dec. 5. Auditions will be Nov. 30. For details, see the BPACC website at bpacc.org/155/Missoula-Childrens-Theatre or call (901) 385-6440. Also see the theater group’s website at mctinc.org.