Plan to hunt or fish this year? Licenses now on sale

Photo by Rhett Noonan via

Plan to hunt or fish this year? Now is the time to purchase your license to get the most out of Tennessee’s license year.

New 2019-20 Tennessee hunting and fishing licenses are now on sale, with over one million licenses expected to be purchased in the coming year. All current year Tennessee hunting and fishing licenses expire today, Feb. 28.

Licenses are available online anytime at, on the TWRA “On the Go App” or at one of more than 700 license agents across the state. You can now select to auto-renew your license and never worry about your license expiring again.

Customers can also purchase a collector’s card for any annual license. This waterproof, durable card features paintings by Tennessee artists. Customers may choose between a large-mouth bass or a waterfowl hunting scene featuring mallards and a retriever.

If you like wildlife of any kind, you should thank a hunter or fisherman. Without them, we would not have the abundance of fish and wildlife that we all enjoy.

Hunters and anglers have been funding Tennessee’s and the nation’s wildlife conservation for more than 100 years through license purchases. All of the hunting and fishing license fees go to support wildlife conservation in Tennessee.

What’s more, a license purchase returns taxes paid on firearms, archery equipment, fishing gear and boat fuel to Tennessee at a rate of up to $40 per year. This successful funding system is the Wildlife and Sportfish Restoration program, which is the largest driver of wildlife conservation nationwide. Support Tennessee wildlife and buy your 2019-20 licenses now.