Part 2: Car burglars, vandals, ID thieves hit Lakeland in June

Lakeland June 2015 crimes, pie charts
Click to enlarge.

A rash of eight car burglaries kept officers from the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) busy taking reports and investigating on June 23.

The SCSO reported those crimes and others during the second half of June. (See our July 23 issue for incidents from the first half of June.) The pie chart, above, covers incidents for the entire month of June in Lakeland. See additional graphics in the June 23 Lakeland crime report.

Editor’s note: All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed SCSO reports.

June 17

Herons Pond Cove (simple assault)

A mother confronted a man she said tailgated her daughter and nearly caused a crash on June 17. She said the man followed her daughter closely on Seed Tick Road/Herons Landing Lane and nearly ran her off the road when he ran the stop sign at Herons Ridge/Herons Landing.

The mother said when she confronted him in his driveway he became angry and pushed her.

The man said he passed the girl driver when she was tapping her brakes. He said the mother began yelling at him in his driveway and told her to get off his property and called law enforcement.

Both subjects were advised to stay away from each other.

June 18

Swan Hill Drive (identity theft)

Someone stole the identity of a Swan Hill Drive man between May 2 and June 18. The suspect opened a PayPal account and totaled $1,203 in unauthorized charges through June 3.

The victim notified PayPal that the account was fraudulent and initiated a fraud alert with the major credit reporting agencies.

Canada Road (vandalism)

Someone shot two BB-size holes into the back window of a man’s Chevrolet Silverado between midnight and 8 p.m. June 23. The owner said the vehicle was parked in his driveway on the 4000 block of Canada Road.

June 19

Oak Point Cove (other theft)

An Oak Point Cove man reported on June 19 that someone may have stolen his Smith & Wesson handgun between May 6 and June 19.

At the time of the report, he was unsure whether the handgun ($500) was stolen or misplaced. If stolen, it may have happened while he was vacationing in New Orleans or Nashville. He also contacted the rental car company he used, but no gun had been turned in.

An SCSO dispatcher entered the weapon’s serial number into the database of the National Crime Information Center (NCIC).

June 23

Canabridge Drive theft from motor vehicle)

A man reported that someone burglarized his Ford F350 truck between the evening of June 22 and the morning of June 23. The only things taken were a Pelican flashlight ($20), a Mini Maglite ($10), and some loose change.

Canabridge Drive (theft from motor vehicle)

A woman said she left her car unlocked overnight on June 22 and found it burglarized the next morning. The woman, a resident on the 9300 block of Canabridge, said items stolen included an Apple iPad Mini and AT&T Apple iPhone.

A crime scene technician lifted fingerprints from the vehicle, and the stolen items were entered into NCIC.

New Canada Road (felony vandalism)

One family on the 4300 block of New Canada Road was the victim of an estimated $2,400 in tire slashing overnight on June 22. Someone slashed the rear driver’s side tires on their Ford F150, Volvo S60 and Audi A4, and the Volvo also took damage to both front tires.

White Spruce Drive (theft from motor vehicle)

A woman on the 9500 block of White Spruce Drive reported June 23 that someone ransacked her car and stole a pair of black Nissan factory fog lights ($200) from her center console.

She said the unlocked car was parked in her driveway, and the theft was between 7 p.m. June 22 and 7:10 a.m. June 23. The police report noted that this incident may be linked with others also on White Spruce Drive.

White Spruce Drive (theft from motor vehicle)

While an officer was responding to one car burglary on White Spruce Drive on June 23, a couple came up and told him that someone had stolen the wife’s revolver from her glove compartment.

The unlocked vehicle had been parked in the open garage of their home on the 9600 block of White Spruce Drive. The theft happened between midnight and 8 a.m. that day.

The vehicle didn’t appear to be damaged. The weapon was a black Smith & Wesson “Body Guard” .38 caliber revolver ($450) loaded with five bullets ($1.68).

The theft may be related to other burglaries that night on White Spruce Drive.

White Spruce Drive (theft from motor vehicle)

Someone entered and ransacked a black 2011 Chevrolet Silverado on the 9600 block of White Spruce Drive in the early morning hours of June 23. The thief took two knives from the center console and a bottle of Jack Daniels from the storage well in the driver’s side door. There was no damage done to the vehicle.

The theft occurred between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. The unlocked vehicle was parked in the victim’s driveway. A crime scene tech lifted fingerprints from both front door handle areas.

This incident may be related to similar ones on White Spruce Drive.

Canada Road (shoplifting)

A man took beauty supplies from Walgreens (2960 Canada Road) on June 23. The store manager said the man entered around 9 a.m., grabbed two packages of KISS artificial nails and walked into the bathroom.

The man left a few minutes later in a gold Ford Explorer with black bumpers, headed southbound on Houston Levee Road.

Herons Landing Cove (theft from motor vehicle)

A suspect ransacked a car overnight on June 22, and the owner’s daughter discovered the intrusion around 9 a.m. June 23. Nothing appeared to be stolen, and the car didn’t appear to be damaged.

The car had been parked in the driveway overnight with its windows down and doors unlocked. The incident may be related to similar incidents in nearby Lakeland areas.

Canabridge Dr. (theft from motor vehicle)

A victim’s two cars on the 9200 block of Canabridge were burglarized overnight on June 22. Items stolen from her Honda Odyssey van included a pair of gray-and-orange Sony headphones ($80) and a green leather change purse ($1).

Items stolen from her GMC Sierra truck included a silver stamp key ($3), cash from the cup holder ($2), and a red leather Fossil wallet ($15) containing a Kinnucan’s gift card ($25), a Panera Bread gift card ($10), a Trustmark debit card ($1), and the following items recovered nearby: a Tennessee intermediate driver’s license ($1), an Arlington High School student pass ID ($1) and an American Heart Association CPR card ($1).

The thefts occurred between 10 p.m. June 22 and 10:30 a.m. June 23. The family reported hearing their dogs barking in their garage between 11 p.m. and midnight, but they ignored the noise.

This incident may be related to similar incidents overnight in the area.

Champions Drive (residential burglary)

A suspect burglarized a family’s apartment on the 2900 block of Champions Drive June 23, making off with several valuables. The family left the apartment around 8:30 a.m. that day, and the complainant’s daughter returned around 3:30 p.m. and noticed that the door had been kicked in.

Items stolen included a 40-inch Samsung TV, a Macbook laptop, and a 1st South Credit Union debit card that has since been blocked.

Herons Nest Cove West (theft from motor vehicle)

Someone stole a man’s wallet from his GM Sierra on the 10100 block of Herons Nest Cove, he reported on June 23.

The wallet, two Triumph Bank credit cards, and two Bass Pro credit cards were stolen but recovered. A First Tennessee debit card and another Bass Pro debit card were stolen and used to buy $138.57 worth of items before the victim could cancel them. Charges that were declined included two attempts to charge $89.99 and one try at charging $4.92.

The vehicle was parked unlocked in the victim’s driveway. The deputy could not work a crime scene on the vehicle because the victim drove it on June 23 before filing a report.

June 26

Canada Road (vandalism)

Someone vandalized an exterior doorknob ($50) on the north side of the old Factory Outlet Mall (3536 Canada Road) on June 26. It did not appear that the suspect entered the building, and an inspection of the interior did not reveal that anything had been disturbed or taken.

The damage occurred between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.

June 30

Canada Road (burglary of a business)

A suspect(s) stole 750 pounds of copper wire ($3,000) and damaged four brass padlocks ($20) at the old Factory Outlet Mall (3536 Canada Road) on June 30.

Someone cut padlocks off three MLG&W transformer boxes and removed their copper wire. A fourth box had its padlock cut but nothing was taken.

The suspect also popped the locked doors to the service rooms behind the transformers and removed the wire inside. Any attempts to enter the complainant’s office door were not successful.

The thefts occurred between 5 p.m. June 29 and 9:45 a.m. June 30. Security guards noted that an unknown white male driving a gray Nissan pickup was on the property just before 9 a.m. June 2, but it’s unknown if this is related to the burglary.

Chi Chi Drive (identity theft)

A man who contacted Comcast about a debt got an unpleasant surprise. Someone had opened another account with his Social Security number and racked up more than $700 in charges. The account was on Hillbrook in Memphis.

Comcast suspended the account and began an investigation but would not provide any more information to the victim.

One thought on “Part 2: Car burglars, vandals, ID thieves hit Lakeland in June

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