By Cheri Thacker You’ve got to wonder about the kind of life someone lives when they’ve emailed [...]
Cousins Savannah and Blaine Cleveland, both 14, share a quiet moment together at the Bartlett [...]
Dustin Myers enjoys his time in the sun with his son [...]
Shelby County Trustee David Lenoir will be the guest speaker for the Republican Women [...]
The Bartlett Arts Council will host its monthly meeting at the Bartlett Performing [...]
By Amber Jenkins Come one, come all to see amazing feats of acrobatic [...]
By Thomas Sellers Jr. Bartlett High School held it’s 2013 Winterfest ceremony Friday night in [...]
Ernest “Jack” Burross, 92 of Memphis, passed away on Jan. 23,2013. He was receded in [...]
Bartlett heavyweight Adrian Keeley controls his opponent at the Trojan Invitational. Keeley, ranked third in [...]
Memphis – The Beverly & Sam Ross Gallery at Christian Brothers University (CBU) is [...]
Three fire department officials were promoted, and several citizens were appointed to a variety of [...]