OPINION: Take steps to fulfill goals on your life’s ‘bucket list’

A collective bucket list
Youths contribute their thoughts to a collective bucket list. Learn more about this art installation at https://artofcompassion.squarespace.com/before-i-die/. Photo courtesy of Carol VanHook on Flickr; some rights reserved.
[dropcap]I[/dropcap] don’t know when I first heard about a bucket list. I’ve always loved the idea that there are a number of things that we all want to do with our lives before we kick the proverbial bucket and die. But reducing them to writing is rare. Rarer still is actually figuring out the action steps necessary to get to one of those goals.

David Peel
David Peel

For instance, let’s say your bucket list is to travel to Europe. Now that sounds expensive, possibly dangerous in some places, and requires a lot of planning. Oh, and by the way, it probably won’t be cheap. But how much is it? $5,000? $10,000? $25,000? If you don’t know, you haven’t taken any steps toward fulfilling this goal.

A quick check of Google flights indicates that Nashville to London, England will run you somewhere between $813 and $1,886 for some given dates. Hotels in London run on average about $200 a night for something decent. You’ll want to take cabs or Uber. Use their recommendations on good places so you can try England’s food.

More than likely you’ll want to take the train through the channel to France and walk around Paris while you’re there for the day, which you can easily do. So, get a passport and get things moving if that’s what you want to do.

Another bucket list item that a lot of folks have is to write a book. Whether it’s that novel that you kicked around since ninth grade or whether it’s a book on something that you know about your profession or the way things work for other people, the first step is the first page.

I started on my novel in 2009, and in 2010 it was rejected by a man who was very kind but he really took the wind out of my sails. Given the fact that I’ve been raising teenagers almost every step of the way, I set it down until last year. I picked it back up and I’ve just completed it this spring, and it should be coming out this fall. I am pretty excited that I’ve gotten this off my bucket list. Also, on Sept. 13, I am launching a book that I’ve written about law and traffic safety. It’s called “Two Feet or Ten?”

The title originates from my observation that people think that the dashes in the roadway are two feet long but in reality, they are 10 feet long. There’s a lot of things like that that you pick up investigating accidents and dealing with death or disability. So I decided to put it all into a book. It’s already on Amazon, but the official launch is Sept. 13, 2017.

I appreciate any support my regular readers can offer as I work through my bucket list. Let me encourage you to begin to work through yours.

DAVID PEEL, a Memphis attorney, seeks justice for those injured in car accidents, medical malpractice and nursing homes. He often addresses churches, clubs and groups without charge. He may be reached through PeelLawFirm.com, where other articles are archived.

Photo courtesy of Alexander Mueller on Flickr; some rights reserved.
Photo courtesy of Alexander Mueller on Flickr; some rights reserved.