NoWait app helps diners find shortest wait times

nowait-app-image-smallRestaurant owners and customers: There’s a cool app that helps your customers avoid the frustration of long waits to be seated, and several Mid-South eateries are already participating. has a website, and there are smartphone apps for the iPhone and Android phones.

For restaurants that use the service, customers can reserve a table and get a text on their smartphones when it’s time to come back and be seated. That way, instead of standing outside in the heat or cold, or cramming into a packed waiting area, they can browse other nearby shops, run an errand or kill some time at a local bar or coffee shop until their table is ready.

Even better: Customers can browse which participating restaurants have the best wait times.

They also can access the NoWait service on the Yelp app.

The NoWait app shows that multiple Memphis-area restaurants are already using it, including Chili’s, Jim ‘n Nick’s Bar-B-Q, Pancake Kitchen, Another Broken Egg, Grimaldi’s and Hickory Tavern.

CAROLYN BAHM is the editor of The Bartlett Express. Contact her at (901) 433-9138 or via email to