A new year, the same need

Letter to the editorSometimes it’s not what we want, but what we need. Here are a few things we need for our city.

We need more of our citizens to be engaged in how our city is being shaped and developed. We need more people to recognize areas for improvement and lend their time and talents. We need our younger group of leaders to continue to press for the next wave of ideas and service.

We need to love and care for others and work to make our community the absolute best we can. We need to embrace a defined vision for the future, and we should all encourage our friends and neighbors to be engaged in making it come to fruition.

We need you.

I hope your next thought is, “Okay, how?”

I would submit there are several ways to respond.

Respond in your neighborhood by joining a neighborhood watch program. Respond to your local school by helping with the school administration or The Bartlett Education Foundation. Respond for a cause by serving with a local organization like Youth Villages, Lifeblood, or Better Bartlett.

The bottom line is our city needs you and we need you to respond.

— Jason A. Sykes, Bartlett

See the policy for Bartlett Express letters to the editor: http://bartlett-express.com/letters-to-the-editor/.

One thought on “A new year, the same need

  1. Rick Black says:

    In response to the recent letter from Jason Sykes titled “A New Year, The Same Need”, I must say I couldn’t agree with him more. As a new Bartlett business owner I’m taking a more active role in this community I have called home for nearly 30 years now. Through this activity, I have discovered that this city continues to receive national recognition for it’s many positive attributes. As Jason points out, there are so many ways we can get involved to make it even better. My personal experiences in recent months have also revealed that the city officials and residents of Bartlett are very passionate about serving and are fun to work with. So if you want to join the team and don’t mind meeting new friends while doing it, contact either the city of Bartlett or the Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce and volunteer to do your part.

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