New press in place for Bartlett Express

By Staff Reports

Today’s Bartlett Express has a fresher, cleaner, more colorful look, and there’s a reason.

This is the first full edition of the Express to come off a new printing press.

This multi-million dollar investment represents Journal Inc.’s commitment to its readers and advertisers and its confidence in the future of printed newspapers in the Memphis suburban market.

The new press is a massive piece of manufacturing equipment, totaling 160 feet in length – nearly twice that of the previous press – with 12 separate production towers capable of printing up to four different products simultaneously. It will provide greater capacity and flexibility in the printing of the weekly newspapers and other publications and will greatly increase the quality and availability of color.

More photos in the paper will now be in color as well as the daily comics and other graphic elements. Advertisers will now have more options for color ads as well.

Work began on the new press a year ago this month. Once an agreement was reached with imPRESSions Worldwide in January 2012, imPRESSions began manufacturing equipment and Bartlett’s ownership group, the Journal Inc., began facility modifications and improvements to accommodate the new press.

The press is highly automated, with a system to detect paper breaks and stop the press before costly damage occurs and delays delivery of the newspaper. Its automated digital inking and registration systems will improve print quality and reduce waste.