Shelby County Mayor Lee Harris, at right, cuts the ribbon alongside Millington Mayor Terry Jones Sept. 30 for the new veterans’ service office in Millington. Photos by Thomas Sellers Jr.
By Thomas Sellers Jr.
West 10 Media/MVP
The last day of September 2019 represented a beginning for area veterans in Millington.
Next door to the Millington City Hall, dozens gathered that Monday morning to celebrate the grand opening of the Veterans Services Office in Millington.

Shelby County Commissioner Amber Mills, Shelby County Mayor Lee Harris and Veterans Services Officer Dr. Michael Ellis were among those on hand for the debut of the new service for veterans and their families.
“Today we’re having the long-awaited opening of the Veterans Service Office,” Ellis said, a retired Navy chief after 21 years of service. “It feels great to see this come to life. This is where the Navy Base is. It’s like a center of military presence. If you think about it, the military lives in Atoka, Arlington where they can jump on 385. They’re in North Memphis, Raleigh and they can get to this place here in 10 to 15 minutes. This new satellite location will increase access to services for veterans.”
Also participating in the ceremony were director of community services Dorcas Young Griffin and Millington Mayor Terry Jones.
“Tipton County was getting overloaded,” Jones noted. “They were going into Memphis and they didn’t have enough facilities. What other perfect place to have it besides Millington?
“We’ve partnered with the Navy personnel,” the retired Navy veteran continued. “So many retired here. We have the Veterans’ Memorial coming up at the Marketplace soon, so we’re excited about our relationship with the veterans.”
That open line of communication helped Jones and other City of Millington officials to be in contact with the officials of the Tipton County Veterans Services Office.
TCVSO’s Gaetano “Guy” Critelli alerted veterans and supporters of the need to open the new location.
“My office on the south end of the county started to see a large influx,” Critelli said, a retired Navy chief with 20 years of service. “I was six or seven weeks backed up on appointments. I looked to see where it was coming from. A bulk of that was coming out of Shelby County. I just needed a place to help me help the veterans here. It all just worked out.”
The majority of claims submitted for VA benefits come through county veterans’ services offices. Now the new Millington site will assist the main office at 1060 Madison Avenue in Memphis. Millington and Memphis offices are equipped to assist veterans and their families obtain the services they need and deserve.
“It’s tremendous because the government doesn’t always work as fast as you wish,” Critelli said of the timely response. “It’s a process, but to see it actually evolve and what it is going to do for the city, county and veterans is amazing.”
About 75,000 veterans live in Shelby County and the Mid-South area. Many live near Millington with Naval Activity Mid-South Base located in Flag City.
“Providing access to our veterans in District 1 was the first request I presented to Mayor Harris’ administration,” said Mills. “I am elated to see it come to fruition so quickly because our veterans deserve nothing but the best.”
Mayor Harris said, “It takes very special men and women to risk everything in service of something you can’t touch, or buy, or put a price on: American values, freedom and protection of others. That’s why it is essential that those who have served this country feel supported in their civilian life.
“I am thrilled Shelby County government is able to expand services to our veteran community in Millington,” he added.
Shelby County Veterans Services Officer Ellis said the fight to take care of veterans once they come back home continues. But the landmark day of Sept. 30, 2019, is a major victory.
“The veterans deserve it,” he said. “The veterans fought for us. So now it’s time to fight for them. For our brothers and sisters who fought even before us, like Vietnam, Korean wars veterans.
“We still have some World War II veterans around,” Ellis continued. “We’re fighting for them because they open up doors for sailors like and for soldiers like Sgt. William Jones of Operation Stand Down.”
The Shelby County Veterans Services Offices can assist veterans and their families with burial benefits, educational assistance, guarantee home loans, and filing claims for disability compensation, pension, dependency and indemnity compensation.
The office works closely with the Tennessee Department of Veterans Affairs, the Veterans Affairs Medical Center and both veterans’ cemeteries in Shelby County.
The new location will be open the last Wednesday and Thursday of every month, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
The Tipton County Veterans Services Office hours are Monday through Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. by appointment only by calling 901-476-2456.