The City of Bartlett recognized distinguished educators recently in honor of National Teachers Day being celebrated in Bartlett.
Attendees included Altruria Elementary’s Marva Johnson (principal), Elizabeth Wehmeyer (Tech Teacher of the Year) and Melissa Richarde (Pre-K-5 Teacher of the Year); Appling Middle’s Keshia Y. McMickens (principal) and Marnie Morrissett (functional skills teacher for special education); Bartlett Elementary’s Page Watson (principal) and Candyce McEwen (Kindergarten Teacher of the Year); Bartlett High’s Shannon Abraham (vice principal) and Ron Berenato (CTE teacher/digital art); Bartlett Ninth Grade Academy’s John McDonald (principal) and Mary Frost (Honors English Teacher of the Year); Bon Lin Elementary’s Tom McClellan (vice principal) and Sandi Waller (kindergarten teacher); Bon Lin Middle’s Cody Duncan (principal), Melissa Onek (seventh-grade science teacher) and Renee Farrell (eighth-grade science/social studies teacher); Ellendale Elementary’s Dr. BessAnne McKnight (principal) and Melanie Cummings (Teacher of the Year); Oak Elementary’s Marie DeLockery (principal) and Tammy Phillips (librarian); Rivercrest Elementary’s Tonjua Woods (assistant principal) and Kate Greer (Teacher of the Year, SPED preschool class for three- and four-year-olds with special needs); David Cook, board member for the Bartlett City Schools Board of Education; Bartlett City Schools’ Jason Sykes (communications, volunteer and community outreach), James Aldinger (director of human resources, federal projects and accountability) and Mark Stephens (student services supervisor); and the City of Bartlett’s Mayor A. Keith McDonald and Vice Mayor Jack Young.
The city’s proclamation in honor of the occastion stated:
“WHEREAS, great teachers demonstrate devotion and hard work for their students in a pursuit to create lifelong learners. Teachers keep communities strong and deserve the utmost praise and appreciation from their students, parents and fellow citizens. Teachers open children’s minds to the magic of ideas, knowledge and dreams. Teachers keep American democracy alive by laying the foundation for good citizenship;
and WHEREAS, teachers fill many roles, as listeners, explorers, role models, motivators and mentors. No other profession touches so many people with such a lasting effect because good teaching grows in value and pays dividends far beyond the classroom. The influence of our teachers continues long after our school days are only memories.”