National Pill Take Back Results

By Julie Ray

On September 29, Bartlett Police department participated in the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) National Pill Take Back Initiative. Over 1700 pounds of pills were turned in throughout West Tennessee. The Bartlett location at Kroger, 7615 Summer Avenue, collected the most pills, weighing in at over 340 pounds of expired, unused, or unwanted medications, pills, legend drugs, and other controlled substances.
This initiative addresses a vital public safety and public health issue. Medicines that languish in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse, and abuse. Rates of prescription drug abuse in the U.S. are alarmingly high, as are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs. Studies show that a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including from the home medicine cabinet. In addition, Americans are now advised that their usual methods for disposing of unused medicines—flushing them down the toilet or throwing them in the trash—both pose potential safety and health hazards.
Thanks is in order to participating citizens of Bartlett and surrounding for being responsible and conscientious in the proper disposal of these drugs.