Municipalities announce November meetings

nov-2015-cal-brownBartlett, Arlington and Lakeland have announced their public meeting dates for August. Types of meetings include:

  • Work sessions (discussions with no voting on action items, such as ordinances or resolutions)
  • Business meetings (meetings in which discussions are held, business is conducted and votes may be cast)
  • Special-called meetings (extra meetings schedule to conduct discussions or votes on specific topics; typically, only items listed in advance in meeting notices may be on the agenda)
  • Town hall meetings (meetings between area leaders and citizens; held as a forum for announcements, presentations, gathering of input from citizens, and/or interactions between leaders and the citizenry)


City Hall: (901) 385-6400; website:; Twitter: @BartlettTNGov

  • Nov. 2: Family Assistance Commission, 6 p.m., Bartlett City Hall Council Chambers
  • Nov. 2: Planning Commission, 7 p.m., Bartlett City Hall Council Chambers
  • Nov. 3: Beer Board, 6 p.m., Bartlett City Hall Council Chambers
  • Nov. 4: Bartlett Station Commission, 7:30 a.m., Bartlett Station Municipal Center, 5868 Stage Road
  • Nov. 5: City Beautiful Commission, 7 p.m., Bartlett Station Municipal Center
  • Nov. 5: Industrial Development Board, 7 p.m., Bartlett City Hall Council Chambers, 6400 Stage Road
  • Nov. 9: Historical Society, 7 p.m., Gotten House, 2969 Court St.
  • Nov. 10: Board of Mayor and Aldermen work session, 5:30 p.m., Bartlett City Hall Council Chambers. (The board will discuss the proposed First Responders Memorial and the Sesquincentennial celebration events for 2016.)
  • Nov. 10: Board of Mayor and Aldermen business meeting, 7 p.m., Bartlett City Hall Council Chambers
  • Nov. 12: Parks & Recreation Advisory Board, 7 p.m., Bartlett Senior Center, 5727 Woodlawn St.
  • Nov. 16: Historic Preservation Commission, 7 p.m., Bartlett City Hall Annex Conference Room, 6382 Stage Road
  • Nov. 17: Bartlett Performing Arts & Conference Center (BPACC) Advisory Board, 6 p.m., 3663 Appling Road
  • Nov. 17: Design Review Commission, 6:30 p.m., Bartlett City Hall Council Chambers
  • Nov. 17: Bartlett Arts Council, 6:30 p.m., BPACC
  • Nov. 19: Board of Zoning Appeals, 6:30 p.m., Bartlett City Hall Council Chambers
  • Nov. 19: Bartlett City Schools (BCS) board business session, 7 p.m., Bartlett City Hall, large conference room. (Editor’s note: The business meeting was moved to this date to avoid conflicting with the Thanksgiving holiday. Normally, the board’s business meeting would be on the fourth Thursday of the month. There will be no work session this month.)
  • Nov. 24: Board of Mayor and Aldermen, 7 p.m., Bartlett City Hall


Town Hall: (901) 867-2620; website:

  • Nov. 2: Arlington Board of Mayor and Aldermen, 6:30 p.m., Arlington Town Hall, 5854 Airline Road
  • Nov. 10: Design Review Committee meeting, 6:30 p.m., Arlington Town Hall
  • Nov. 16: Planning Commission meeting, 6:30 p.m., Arlington Town Hall
  • Nov. 17: Arlington school board meeting, 6:30 p.m., Arlington Town Hall. (Editor’s note: Normally the meeting would be held on the fourth Tuesday of the month, but it has been adjusted for the Thanksgiving holiday.)


City Hall: (901) 867-2717; website:; Twitter: @CityofLakeland

  • Nov. 2: Lakeland School System (LSS) board’s work session, 5:45 p.m., Lakeland City Hall, 10001 U.S. 70
  • Nov. 5: Lakeland Mayor and Board of Commissioners’ work session, 5:30 p.m., Lakeland City Hall
  • Nov. 9: LSS board’s business meeting, 5:45 p.m., Lakeland City Hall
  • Nov. 10: Parks & Recreation / Natural Resources Board, 5:30 p.m., Lakeland City Hall
  • Nov. 17: Lakeland Mayor and Board of Commissioners’ business meeting, 5:30 p.m., Lakeland City Hall (Editor’s note: Corrected date.)
  • Nov. 19: Municipal Planning / Design Review Commission, 5:30 p.m., Lakeland City Hall
  • Nov. 19: Lakeland Development Corporation (LDC), 6:30 p.m., Lakeland City Hall (Editor’s note: The meeting time and date have changed for this month only because of the Thanksgiving holiday. Normally, the LDC would meet at 6:15 p.m. on the fourth Thursday.)