‘Movies in the Park names big sponsors, lists food vendors

Movies in the ParkThis Friday night kicks off a favorite spring and summer activity — the Bartlett Station Movies in the Park, presented by Platinum sponsor Leaders Credit Union.

Organizers have now announced the list of food vendors and sponsors for the event, hosted approximately every two weeks at W.J. Freeman Park.

The food vendors for 2015 include:

  • Soul Pig BBQ
  • Donna’s Kettle Corn, Parker’s Water Ice
  • Say Cheese (for the second half of the season)

In addition to Leaders Credit Union, sponsors for this year’s movie series include:

  • Leading Role sponsors: CityAuto.com and two Nationwide offices, Cherie Berenato Insurance and McDonald Insurance
  • Co-Star Role sponsors: Immanuel Lutheran School and Church and Saint Francis Hospital – Bartlett
  • Supporting Role sponsors: CrossFit Bartlett, rEvolve Guitar & Music Shop LLC and Bartlett Sports

The movie series will open its third season with “Big Hero 6,” a 3D computer-animated superhero action comedy released by Walt Disney Pictures. Other shows this year include:

Average attendance to these family-friendly movies is about 1,300 people. Popular movies, such as “Frozen” in 2014, can bring in about 1,800 attendees.

The following guidelines apply:

  • Families are invited to bring folding chairs and blankets to stake out their spots for the movie viewing.
  • Picnickers can bring their own baskets or coolers.
  • No alcoholic drinks are permitted.
  • Pets are allowed to join the family for movie night as long as they are leashed and the pet owners agree to keep the park clean by picking up and disposing of any animal waste.

For updates, follow the event’s Facebook page.

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