Military author to visit Bartlett library March 14

hood-book-cover-clear-by-fireFriends of the Bartlett Library will introduce Memphis author Joshua Hood at the Friends’ next quarterly meeting, March 14 at 6:30 p.m.

His first novel, Clear by Fire, is inspired by his experiences as a decorated combat veteran and former member of the 82nd Airborne division.

Hood served tours in  2005-06 Operation Iraqi Freedom and in Afghan-istan for Operation Enduring Freedom in 2007-08. He was decorated for valor in Operation Furious Pursuit.

Set in the shadow of the war on terror, his military thriller starts a brand-new action series with Mason Kane, a loyal American soldier on the run and hunted by his former comrades. Hood’s second novel is planned to be released this year, Warning Order.

Join the Friends at the library, located at 5884 Stage Road in Bartlett, for refreshments at 6 p.m. before the March meeting begins.

For additional information, call the Bartlett Library at (901) 386-8968 or email