Memphis Habitat: Super Bowl partiers could win NFL trip

Habitat Home Team Huddle logoHabitat for Humanity of Greater Memphis invites people to help Habitat tackle poverty housing by participating in the 10th annual MX Skill Master Home Team Huddle fundraising event during the Super Bowl on Feb. 2.

Participants are asked to host a “Super Sunday” party in their homes, businesses, schools or houses of worship and collect donations for Memphis Habitat during halftime. All proceeds go directly to the local affiliate and help further its mission of making it possible for local families in need to build and buy homes for the first time.

Top fundraising hosts will win prizes, and all guests and hosts are eligible to win the grand prize getaway – two tickets to an NFL game of their choice from MX Skill Master, a two-night stay from Hilton Worldwide and airfare for two.

Party hosts who sign up by Jan. 29 will receive a Home Team Party Pack to help promote and build excitement around the parties. The pack includes a T-shirt, event posters, recipes, a collection envelope, ideas for promoting the event and supplies for the party.

This year, Habitat fans also can host online Huddles and raise funds and awareness by reaching out via email and social media. Virtual Huddle hosts, donors and supporters are also eligible for the grand prize.

For more information or to sign up to host a Huddle, visit or contact Amy Paul at (901) 322-3517 or