If you want to know what love is from a Christian perspective, read Michael B. Blessed’s “Love Has Everything to Do With It.” It is a very insightful and helpful book on love and relationships. Readers will learn that there is more to love than just kissing and making up.
Revised from Blessed’s e-book, self-published in 2014, “Love Has Everything to Do With It” reveals the most important values needed in a relationship, such as commitment, communication, and, most of all, the Lord, Jesus Christ, at the center of everything.
“Love Has Everything to Do With It” is a 24-page hardcover published by RoseDog Books of Pittsburgh, Penn., with a retail price of $20 (ISBN 978-1-4809-8148-5). For more information, visit dorrancepressroom.com or rosedogbookstore.com. The book is also available via Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com.
AUTHOR BIO: Blessed is a writer living in Memphis. See him on Facebook.com.