‘Mammos til Midnight’ makes breast cancer screenings more accessible

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Area women get another ally in fighting breast cancer this month with convenient extended hours for screenings during October, Breast Cancer Month. “Mammos til Midnight!” will offer screening mammograms from 5 p.m. until midnight at multiple locations. Featured dates when wine, cheese and hors d’oeuvres will be offered include:

  • Oct. 17 at Saint Francis Hospital – Bartlett. Call (901) 820-7575 for an appointment.
  • Oct. 24 at Saint Francis – Memphis. Call (901) 765-3279 for an appointment.

The mammograms are screening procedures covered by most insurance plans, and a physician referral is not required to participate. Extended hours will be available throughout October. Saint Francis is in-network for more than 75 managed care plans, including Blue Cross S, Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, CIGNA, Humana, United Healthcare and TennCare.