Mid-South residents are urged to add Sunday, Oct. 22, to their calendars for the 17th annual American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk.
The regional event, which returns to the Liberty Bowl, helps to create a world without breast cancer. Registration begins at 1:30 p.m. and the non-competitive 5K walk starts at 3 p.m. There is no cost to register; however, teams are encouraged to raise funds to support the Society’s life-saving mission.
Sign up today and help save lives by visiting MakingStridesWalk.org/MemphisTN or call the American Cancer Society at (901) 278-2091.
Funds raised at this noncompetitive, family-friendly event enable the American Cancer Society to save lives from breast cancer by investing in groundbreaking research; providing free, comprehensive information and support to those touched by the disease; and helping people take steps to reduce their breast cancer risk or find it early when it’s most treatable.
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer is sponsored locally by Horseshoe Tunica, Tunica Roadhouse and Kroger.