Boys and girls ages two and up are invited to grab a magic carpet and put on their pajamas for “Breakfast with Siphne: Jam in Your Jammies!” at 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 2. Memphis’ celebrated visual and performing artist Siphne A. Sylve will help participants explore beat boxing, body rhythms and vocal percussion, as part of her Buckman residency. The event will be at Buckman Arts Center at St. Mary’s School, 60 Perkins Extended, Memphis, and the Magic Carpet Ride series is sponsored by Sarkis Kish. Admission is $5 per child and free to adults. Tickets may be purchased at the door or online at
Boys and girls ages two and up are invited to grab a magic carpet and put on their pajamas for “Breakfast with Siphne: Jam in Your Jammies!” at 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 2. Memphis’ celebrated visual and performing artist Siphne A. Sylve will help participants explore beat boxing, body rhythms and vocal percussion, as part of her Buckman residency. The event will be at Buckman Arts Center at St. Mary’s School, 60 Perkins Extended, Memphis, and the Magic Carpet Ride series is sponsored by Sarkis Kish. Admission is $5 per child and free to adults. Tickets may be purchased at the door or online at