Macon Road Baptist School will debut its new auditorium with a performance of Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” this weekend, April 22-23.
The play has a cast of about 20, with another 30-40 students who work as crew and who double as extras for the cast. The crew also participates in the fight scenes that begin and end the play.
Jennifer Stewart, head of the school’s English department, said it is Macon Road’s first Shakespearean play, and it’s also the auditorium’s initiation. The school cut the ribbon on the new facility at Easter.
Some of the more obscure terms in the play were adapted slightly so the audience can understand and enjoy the play more, but it’s otherwise full length and unedited, Stewart said.
This is Stewart’s first time to assist Tom Burriss, head of the school’s drama department, and she has helped because it’s based on a classical work of literature.
Both performances are at 7p.m. on April 22-23 at the school. The school is at 11017 U.S. 64 (the second campus, just past the Bartlett campus). Admission is $7.50 and can be purchased at the door or by emailing