Local Girl Scout council to pay membership fees for fallen vets’ daughters

MEMPHIS – Girl Scouts Heart of the South has announced that it will cover the membership fee for local daughters of fallen military service members to join the Girl Scouts.

The annual Girl Scout Membership Fee is $25, and the local council will cover this fee for qualifying girl members beginning immediately through a girl’s senior year of high school.

The Heart of the South council encompasses 59 counties in east Arkansas, north Mississippi and west Tennessee. The headquarters are in Memphis, and regional leadership centers are in Jackson, Tenn., and Tupelo, Miss.

“This is one way that we can support the daughters of fallen soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms,” said Melanie Schild, CEO for Girl Scouts Heart of the South. “When a family who has lost a parent through military service evaluates the cost of activities for their daughters, we don’t want the Girl Scout Membership Fee to be a deterrent to their participation.”

For more information, contact Girl Scouts Heart of the South at (800) 624-4185 or by email at customercareweb@girlscoutshs.org.