Lifeblood and the Bartlett, Arlington and Lakeland Lifeblood Donor (BALD) Council recognized its 2015 group and individual volunteers at a holiday reception on Dec. 10.
The Rev. Lynn Butler at Ellendale Baptist Church was named Volunteer of the Year for his work organizing five blood drives in 2015.
The award for Best Faith Based group of 2015 went to New Hope Christian Church. Bolton High School won Group Achievement for 2015 and Oliver Creek Church of Christ won the Newcomer of the Year award.
In addition, Lifeblood awarded 12 groups with a 100 Club plaque for their ongoing dedication to the local blood supply by donating 100 or more units of blood per year for five or more years.
Plaques were received by Arlington High School, Bartlett High School, Bartlett Woods Church of Christ, Bolton High School, Brother International, City of Bartlett, Faith Baptist Church, MLGW, New Hope Christian Church, Saint Francis Hospital-Bartlett, St. Ann Catholic Church and Sycamore View Church of Christ.
Bartlett, Arlington and Bolton High Schools were recognized for each having donated more than 100 units of blood in 2015 through Lifeblood’s Giving Together program. Each school was awarded $2,000 from Saint Francis Hospital – Bartlett for meeting their goals by involving students, parents, teachers and facility at school blood drives and at donor centers.