Lifeblood offers tribute T-shirt for donations

MothersDayWeb-041416 April-Cancer-awareness-shirMemphis — Between April 24 and May 8, individuals who donate blood or platelets at any Lifeblood donor center or mobile blood drive will have the opportunity to honor an influential woman in their life.

Donors will be offered the opportunity to send a limited edition Lifeblood “tribute card” to a special woman in their life. The card informs the recipient that a blood donation was given in her honor.

“This is a unique way donors can encourage the women who have played a significant role in their lives, while promoting the importance of donating blood,” said Jennifer Balink, vice president of donor relations at Lifeblood. “We look forward to honoring many local, strong, and influential women through this campaign.”

Additionally, the T-shirt given to donors will embraces two causes — blood donation and awareness about illnesses impacting women that may require blood or platelets, like breast cancer or anemia. This is the sixth consecutive year Lifeblood has partnered with the Breast Cancer Eradication Initiative to give blood donors shirts that link the treatment of breast cancer and the importance of donating blood and platelets. Cancer patients often require many transfusions as part of their treatment.

For a listing of donor centers and mobile drive locations, call 1-888-LIFEBLOOD or visit

Located in the heart of the Memphis medical district (1040 Madison Avenue), Lifeblood is the Memphis region’s only non-profit volunteer blood center. Lifeblood is the leading provider of blood and blood components to area hospitals, supplying more than 100,000 units for local patient transfusions each year. Lifeblood is a member of America’s Blood Centers, an alliance of community-based, non-profit blood centers. Through its neighborhood donor centers and full schedule of mobile blood drives, Lifeblood provides opportunities to donate blood throughout the year.