Letters to Santa


Dear Santa

Your elves are funny and silly I hope your doing well. I wish for Spiderman toys and toys for baby brother.

Layne Ray


Dear Santa

Can I please get a DS? And thank you for you for sending us a elf on the shelf. He is so fun to find!

Hannah Brigman


Dear Santa

I want a body doll Hello Kitty, dream light doll.

Taniya Jones


Dear Santa

I want a Ipod and a new game for my Wii game and a race car and a bike and a new game for my ds and a new beyblade and new shoes.


Dear Santa

I want a toy car and 2 toy cars and a book and a coloring book.

Emma Garter


Dear Santa

VBox 360



Doll House

Logo City toy



Dear Santa

For Christmas I would like the new Amazing Spiderman movie, and a $20-$50 Gamestop gift car for Christmas, and last but not least I would like some football cards to finish up my collection.



Dear Santa

For Christmas I want a Pantech Tiatnium smart phone and for Christmas I want a Ipod and invisible cloak and one last thing to help the kids that are in St. Jude or Lebonher.

Cameron James Hubbard


Dear Santa

What I want for Christmas is 500 pieces of Civil War toy soldier. I want to have these because I want to do the Civil War my way. And that is why I want 50 pieces of Civil War Toy Soldier.

TJ Taylor


Dear Santa

I want a dirt bike, I phone 5, I want a car for my grandmother, 3Ds.

Nicholas Sanders


Dear Santa

I want an American Doll for Christmas. I think you are a really a great person. In real life, is there a puppy on the sleigh? Am I on the naughty list or good list?



Dear Santa

I will like a speshl toy. I was gud.



Dear Santa

I would like a 3ds. I love you.



Dear Santa

I wold love a xbox 260 and a 3ds. I also wont a boy dog to keep my pupe compne.



Dear Santa

This year I would like an army vest with pockets for my walkie-talkie, a helmet, army boots, army pants with pockets for my cop gun and como paints. And mary Christmas to one and all.

Christopher Allen


Dear Santa

I want a rocke bike, a computer, on Elf on the shelf and my own room. Thanks for everything.

Timothy Johnson


Dear Santa

I have been a good girl all year. I want a psp, Supes Mario Bros 2, an I pad, a dirt bike, a 3DXL and a phone. I would be happy to get just one of these. Thanks.

Kylah Anderson


Dear Santa

For Christmas I would really like a phone!

Beth Anne


Dear Santa

I want a scooter, a four-wheeler and an elf on the shelf for Christmas. Thank you.

Tyronza Tynes


Dear Santa

I have been good this year. The Elf that you have sent me is funny. I named him Blinky. I want a four-wheeler, a 480 rifle and a BB gun. Thanks.

Thomas Farris


Dear Santa

Hi I’ve been good this year. I want a computer and go cart and $30o for Christmas. Thanks

Bryson Treat


Dear Santa

I have been good all this year. I want two One Direction Dolls, Harry and Louis. I also wat a Baby Al.ive, a nursery and an Elf on the Shelf I love you and Christmas. Please give me the stuff I want. I’ve even got a Christmas tree up, and please, please give me a kitten.

Alaina Johnson


Dear Santa

I want a yo-yo, a Barbie Doll, a Minnie Mouse purse and a wallet, a doll, a dollhouse, a baby doll that can talk and doll clothes. Thank  you.

Tyneequa Gilchrease


Dear Santa

This year I have been good. I want a Nintendo 3DS, a ninja costume with a plastic sword, and a computer. I also want a movie call the nightmare Before Christmas. Happy Holiday.

Joshua Sotero


Dear Santa

I want a four-wheeler and an Elf on the Shelf for Christmas. Thanks for everything.

Andrew Thompson


Dear Santa

I have been a good girl this year. I love and I pray for everybody. I want a Barbie, a computer and an Elf on the Shelf for Christmas.

Thank you.

Emily Jaynes


Dear Santa

I love you. I have been a good girl. I want a doll house. Santa can I have a phone for Christmas? I pray for you Santa. What time do you get at my house? Also can I have an Elf on the Shelf? Thanks.

Angelina Bills


Dear Santa

I want a new computer, an I phone, some Barbie dolls, and a beanbag. I also want some clothers, some stickers and some candy. I have been good this year. Please Please Please Please get me that stuff and an elf. I want it to be a girl with a pretty skirt and shoes. I thank you soso much and I want a dog and I want it to be a girl and some makeup.

Sky larp


Dear Santa

I love everyone in the whole world I love you too Santa. I pray for my bother he is in the Army. He says we have 65 new boothers and 10 stisers. I hoping you have a great Christmas! I wote a 3Ds and new games and a new will gams and a book a joke book.



Dear Santa

I hope you are having a good year. I have been good this year. I would like a doll house for Christmas. Thank you

Darby Self


Dear Santa

I love you. Having a good year. I have been good this year. I would like a Ipad, I phone and a puppy dog for Christmas. Thanks you.

Arianetzi Vazquez


Dear Santa

I hope you are having a god year. I have been good this year, I want I toy.

Dylan Griggs


Dear Santa

I hope you are having a good year. I have been good this year. I would like a puppy at daddys for Christmas. Thank you. I love you santa.

Joey Mol


Dear Santa

I hope you are having a good year. I have been good this year. I would like phone, car, motorcycle, real ipad, cat.

Lillian Govatr


Dear Santa

I hope you are having a good year. I have been thone this year. I would like srse for Christmas. Thank You!

Brooklyn Jordan


Dear Santa

I hope you are having a good year. I have been good this year. I would like a puppy for Christmas. Thak you! I love you Santa!

Alayna Zada


Dear Santa

I hope you are having a good year. I have been good this year. I would like a dream light for Christmas. Thank you.

Shaniya Rhyan


Dear Santa

I hope you are haveing a good year. I have been good this year. I would like phone, Darth mol light saben clone ship.

Calvin Hower


Dear Santa

I hope you are having a good year. I have been good this year. I would like a build-a bear for Christmas. Thank you.

Carrien Yancey


Dear Santa

I hope you are having a good year. I have been good this year. I would like a dream light for Christmas. Thanks you!

Katelyn Walker


Dear Santa

I hope you are having a good year. I have been good this year. I would like for willer.

Preston Clark


Dear Santa

I hope you are having a good year. I have been good this year. I would like D candle and motorcycle and bey blade and amazing spider-man ps3. Thanks you,



Dear Santa

I hope you are having a good year. I have been good this year. I would like a toy car and a toy horse a big one for Christmas. Thank you!

Everett Whitfield


Dear Santa

I hope you are having a good year. I hope you are having a good year. I would like the amazing spiderman ps3 gamealso I want a deten dodsxlanda spider-man action figures and a angry birds star whor.

Kaleb K. Ivory


Dear Santa

I hope you are having a good year. I have been good this year. I would like you for Christmas. Thank you!



Dear Santa

I hope you are having a good year. I have been good this year. I would like a ipod



Dear Santa

I hope you are having a good year. I hope you are having a good year. I would like a puppy dog. And a dream lite.

Ashlyn Sweeney


Dear Santa

I would like for you to bring me an ipod and Nintendo 3ds, woopy cushin, Mario kart 7 and this will be great.

Jaqwon Cleavers


Dear Santa

How are you if you are feeling good. Well, I’m happy for you if your not feeling well. I am sad for you and I hope you get this letter. Stanta am I on the notiey or nice list. My list of things I want from stanta a pogo stick a puppy Merry Christmas Santa.

Tameran Thompson


Dear Santa

I hope we have a lot of presents for everybody in America. I live in Tennessee. I will leave you cookies and some milk.

Daquarious to santa


Dear Santa

I want a doll that can play with me. I want a easy bake. I want a doll house. I want a very good chirstmas. Merry Christmas to you. I love you Santa.



Dear Santa

I would like a new bik. And some earrings. And some makeup. And a good family. And a good Santa.



Dear Santa

We hop you be hear thes year because we want good presents we love you santa./



Dear Santa

I know you nar disey but I wanted to tell you that even noe these you nar fack I tec you nar rill and I want my dad to com to my berthday.



Dear Santa

I have been kind of good this year. How are you doing Santa am I on the notiye list or the nice list. I love you santa so much.

Jordan Strawbridge


Dear Santa

Which color are the reindeers I want a ipod in a computer.

Juan Cancino


Dear Santa

I really hope to get a DSI.



Dear Santa

I really hope to get a skate bord.



Dear Santa

I really hope to get a Dsi



Dear Santa

I really hope to get a dert bike. I woot a rateeyo. I woot a hermet crab. I woot a tet.. I woot a mereey game.



Dear Santa

I really hope to be a Barbie doll house.

Jimena toisanta


Dear Santa

I really hope to get a for willr


Dear Santa

I really hope to get a ball



Dear Santa

I really hope to gid drte bike


Dear Santa

I really hope to get a DSi3



Dear Santa

I really hope to get a DSi3



Dear Santa

I really hope to got a mostr truck



Dear Santa

I reall y hop to get a spiderman toy


Dear Santa

I really hope to get a Xbox 360! Oh! Oh! Oh1



Dear Santa

I really hope to get a Eal,extrick Fovl

Jarrex tosanta


Dear Santa

I really hope to get a Xboz 360! I hope to get a amazing spiderman, wed sootr and a spider man mask. Ho ho ho



Dear Santa

I really hope to get a bike



Dear Santa

I love you you are sweet! I want a dog and stopes. And I want a brother and I want a 3DS



Dear Santa

I want some legos. My sister wants a barb dall. My sister wants a ipad. My brother wants a ball. I want a ipod.



Dear Santa

I want a fish Santa. My dog wants abone. My sister wants a cat. My mom wants ???? I want a Ipod



Dear Santa

I wish for a scat bord. I wish for a dog. My baby sister wants a doll.



Dear Santa

I love you! I want my ster to get a stompy and me. Thank you for my chinnese robot. Ples get me some toys.



Dear Santa

I want a toy bld blab. I want a dog



Dear Santa

I want a ds. I love you santa clows. I want stopese and a cot. My sister wants a cat.



Dear Santa

My baby brother wants a truck. I want a doll. My mom likes a 3ds. Thank you



Dear Santa

I want a tuck. I want a sarw was toy. I want a scat bord. I want a laptop. I want a top. Thank you



Dear Santa

I want a lego. I want a toy. I want a truch. I want a spin top.



Dear Santa

I want a edes. I want a toy car. I want a toy dog. I want a toy blahel. I want a toy hulk.



Dear Santa

I want a toy pupey. A blablade for my brother and my dad. A 19 p[awnmat for my mom . A picher for my mom. My dog wants a toy bone.



Dear Santa

I want some legos! Keke wants a computer! I want a toy tub boat! I want a laptop! I love you Santa. My dog wants a bone.



Dear Santa

I want a 3DS and my mom like a laptop and I wish for my dad 4 wilar. Thank you



Dear Santa

I want a ball and wish for toy. I wish and wish for a doll. And for a toy.



Dear Santa

Thank you. I wish for Legos. I want a toy. I want a cat. I wish for a dog.



Dear Santa

I wish for a real blablade. I wish for a ninga



Dear Santa

I want a car. I want play doll. I want a pet. I want Pi. I love you



Dear Santa

I want a toy train! I want lots of toys. I want want legos fad! I want toys!



Dear Santa

I want a toy bladweld and 3ds my broehrs want a toy bladblad



Dear Santa

I have been a good girl this year. Please bring me a monster high doll and a 3Ds game. I ill leave you some milk and cookies.

Brianne Young


Dear Santa

I have been a good boy this year. Please bring me a Xbox and a 3Ds XL  I will leave you some milk and cokies.

Rodney Gibbs


Dear Santa

I have been a good boy this year. Please bring me a blad blad and a lego set. I will leave you some milk and cookies.



Dear Santa

I have been a good boy this year. Please bring me a dirt bike and a bey blade. I will leave you some milk and cookies.

Logan Meddeps


Dear Santa

I have been a good boy this year. Please bring me a Xbox and a PSP and a wii game and I will leave you some milk and cookies


Dear Santa

I have been a good boy this year. Please bring me a Batman set and a bog. I wil leave you some milk and cookies.

Tristan Wade


Dear Santa

I have been a good boy this year. Please bring me a bike and a bye blad. I ill leave you some milk and cookies.

Kavarias Franklin


Dear Santa

I have been a good girl this year. Please bring me a painting kit and a cross necklace. I will leave you some milk and cookies.

Emma Self


Dear Santa

I have been a good girl this year. Please bring me an angel and a book. I will leave you some milk and cookies.

Ella Self


Dear Santa

I have been a good boy this year. Please bring me a ipod tuch and a bayblade. I will leave you some milk and cookies.

Jacob Perkins


Dear Santa

I have been a good boy this year. Please bring me a ipod touch and a beyblade. I will leave you some milk and cookies.

Jake Roberts


Dear Santa

I have been a good girl this year. Please bring me a bike and a ipod. I will leave you some milk and cookies.

Hailey Moore


Dear Santa

I want a kite. Treehouse and a necklace.



Dear Santa

I want a dukbink andf I want a bald bald. I also want a nofgon and a want a big bink I want a lego

Gabe Vanhoozen


Dear Santa

I do not have a chimnea I want a remote control moster truck. I want a lion monsor. I whant a new big monster trech. I want a 3Ds

Tyle Buswell


Dear Santa

I want a ps3 and an ipod. I also want a learning book and some shoes. Santa how are you doing. Are you going to bring me a p[resent? Santa you are the best in the world! I hope you come by my house.

Dekins Jones


Dear Santa

Hi, my name is Hank I have been good this year. I would like a power ranger, a transformer, a board game called candyland, a video game. You could get in the chimney

Hank Garrett


Dear Santa

Hey Santa! I know you are busy, I have been good all year. I hope you come by my home. Will I ever see you? I will never forget you

Autumn Nia Grigg


Dear Santa

I am sorry I sead you are not real. I beleve in you. I be good. I like you. I wont to get a ninja and ipade. One car hailo copalr with builts, a car that gose thro anything, a wilu and a wii.

Rashed Abbad


Dear Santa

Hi Santa! How are you today? I miss you!! I want a bike, a lcp top, ipad, play dog, ds tv, toy car, book shelf, dirt bike, dabflizzer  and maker cookie maker… I have been good today.

Mcckenzie Gray


Dear Santa

I would like a loilaloupsey doll. And a science table. I believe in you . I can’s wait for your Christmas magic.



Dear Santa

I want a dfir tbike wch out for my dog. He is mean. I DOTE GOT A CHEMNE. I WONT LOCK MY FRUNT DOR. I WAS GOOD TODAY.

Zidane Hensley


Dear Santa

Hi Santa. I been great this year. I’m doing great this year. I won’t one of you rwhite dogs and a wii 4. That’s all this won’t this year. I’m giving you cookies.

Joshua Braxton

Dear Santa,

I want a Sin Cara Mask, Sleeves, shirt. I want a LSU Back or a Oregon Backpack. I also want a Nintendo DSL Charger.


Wade W.


Dear Santa,

I want a My Twin Doll & a kitten, ice skates and a sled a nija outfit with a paint set & Stompies! Dream Lite. I wish my dad could stay home the hole Christmas.


Merry Christmas,

Megan E.


Dear Santa,

I want a kitten and a sled and ice skates and an elf and a art room.  And a pear of Stompies.



Abigail A.12/7/12


Dear Santa,

I want a American Gril Doll and ather letter from you again. And cloths for my dog. And riandeer food, and tow more elfs!!!


Can I get all a that plaes. I love u.


Abby R.

To: Santa Love, Santa


Dear Santa,

I like you. You’re my favorit person in the holidays. I want a WII system, a Monster Fighters castly, a…I Phone 1,2,3,4,5, and another dog!




Dear Santa,

I want Super Mario U Wii and Poke’mon D’s. I want a dirtbike and the Electrick Battle ship. I want the light up Domino. I was wrap star. I want Skylanders Giants and…


Vincent B.


Dear Santa,

My name is Ethan Hart and I’m five.  I want real monkeys, a new Kirby game, Mario pajamas, angry bird pajamas, and another elf on the shelf friend for Buddy. Thank you for bringing me toys.  I love your red suit.  I hope you like the cookies, I am giving you a bunch.


Ethan Gram H. age 5


Dear Santa,

I would like to have a Nintendo 3DS, all the Pokemon games on Nintendo 3DS and my Sims agents.  I would also like some new Cars from Cars 2.

Thank you Santa,

Aiden Jude H., age 9


Dear Santa,

I want an elf on a shelf and a sled and a notepad and I want to have snow this year.


Ruby L.


Dear Santa,

I want your phone number and I want a elf.  I want a iPad , a purs.  Thank you!!


Isabella M.


Dear Santa,

Can you give me your phone number? I want for Christmas is a Ipad.  I want a diary and a cute wallet that is big. Thank you. J


Paige B.


Dear Santa,

I what Angry Birds Space plush toys.  I what a new game for my DS. And I what a wii.


Wilson C.


Dear Santa,

I want a twilight princess master sowrd and hylian shield and the other two sowards and the other one shield.


Pabuck B.


Dear Santa,

I want a remote controil plain called the battle tracker and another plain and Xbox 360 and wii u.


Joshua P.


Dear Santa,

I’m asking for a microphone that it gos up to your hed and I whant the ingredients to easy Backoven.


Farrah R.


Dear Santa,

I want a new bike and some video games. I want and ice cream maker and a some toy’s and a raising dirt bike and a scuretey camra and for and a animal planent and a sluceu mucein and a plie tadel and a air hocket table and a soccer goal and a super Mario brothers.


Hunter B.


Dear Santa,

What I want for Christmas is: A Desighner Kit, headphone from: Justice, a Ipod, American Girl doll, earings, DS, Makeup kit, Cake Pops kit and that’s all.




Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want the dreamy daybed and bedding for my Amerigan Girl doll.


Anna T.


Dear Santa,

I hope you have a great Christmas and have sweet cookies and great landing and I hop I am in the nice list and at school I’ll need 7 pencils and 12 blank of paper and that’s all.


Aubrey T.


Dear Santa,

I want lego ninjago, a captain underpants book, and a lego board game.  I would also like ninjago spinners and lego ninjago spinners booster packs.  You are the best!


Justin I.


Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want, a bed for my New doll Caroline, a New doll house, a glow in the dark pogo stick, a new stuffed animal bear, and a new desk bag.


Emma C.


Dear Santa,

You are the best! I want 4 lego nijagos, A lego captian, the green ninja spiner and A 3DDS. Thank you Santa!! J


Sean David R.


Dear Santa,

I would like C.O.D. Black Ops II Assasins Creed III a Xbox 360 inner cooler a xbox controller triple charger minecraft for computer live profile.


Luke T.


Dear Santa,

Thank you for sending me a advent calener.  I love that you get a little lego toy on each day.


Sarah K.


Dear Santa,

I want the new blue Ipad touch and Hollister shorts.


Ryan E.


Dear Santa,

I want blue and red elite sox.




Dear Santa,

I wan a ipod touch and a cake ball maker. Thank you Santa!


Gianna C.


Dear Santa,

I would like a camera like Aund Dana’s camera, because when I grow up I want to be a photographer.  I would also like to have a kitten that looks like a mini tiger. Hohoho


Alex T. I love you santa!


Dear Santa,

I want a X-Box 360, Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1, a1-pounds Reeses, Drums, Micophones and a huge gummy bear and a black lab  puppy.


Megan H.


Dear Santa,

I would like a spider monkey, cookies, Greenbay fan stuff, a snowglobe, new reeds, candy, gloves, new clothes, new Christmas ties, music (rock,country), New video games?, mine craft and for everybody to have a great Christmas.


Zachary R.


Dear Santa,

Just books. And more books. And more books.  In fact just give me a whole library.  And a better laptop to write on.  And some big canvases.  And a big comfy chair for the library.  And a TV Please, with every season of The Simpsons, and all of the Star Wars and LOTR Movies.


Libbyclair M.


Dear Santa,

I want a Galaxy S111, Iphone 5, Wii m, Vizio  60 inch tv, ipad 5 generation and Beats by dr. Dre. A hp laptop and signed jersey from Drew Brees and Windows u.


Jeankof M.


Dear Santa,

I want a lap top blackops 2 steelers pajamas a remote control care and helicopter, a DVD player and a new charger.




Dear Santa,

For Christmas, May I have

An Ipad!

A candy cane!

A puppy!

Braclets for me, Libbyclaire, and Emily.


Anna C.


Dear Santa,

I believe in you and I love and I will be a good boy until the end of time and I know the true meaning of Christmas. Merry Christmas.


Cody Austin G.


Dear Santa,

I would want a new phone.  I also would want a new case for my phone.


Alexis S.


Dear Santa,

This Christmas, I would like to have a new computer, and a new camera.


Regan B.


Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a Harry Potter DS Game and that RC care I saw in Costco.  It might be cool to have my own laptop.  I’d like you to give the kids in orphanages special presents so they can have a merry Christmas too.  Please do this.  Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!


Valerie W.


Dear Santa,

I want a dog, a I-pod touch 4th GB, and my family to come and visit us.  I also want the kitty that lives in my backyard.


Shea R.


Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like sanitizer gel cases for my sanitizer bottles.  I want the colors blue, pink and green.  Also, I would like for everyone to stay healthy.


Kaitlyn P.


Dear Santa,

For Christmas, I would like the men & women soldiers to be with their family & friends.


Dawson C.


Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like…a scrapbook and scrapbook supplies, new pj’s, Just Dance 4, white-out, new clip-on earrings, a stuffed unicorn, and for all my family and friends to be happy and healthy, and to have Katy Perry to come to Tennessee!!!


Madeline V.


Dear Santa,

I want a fort. I also want a pink and light blue wallet.  I want a huge math book.  I want a rolling backpack.  I also want a huge craft book.  A manger set.  A nut cracker.  A paint set. And A blow up Globe.  A new pare of boots.


Cassidy G.


Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like to be with my family.  I would like to get closer to Jesus too.  Oh and video games.  Yea, that too.




Dear Santa,

I would like a Go Kart, Pokemon Black 2, Knex, and a new Nerf Gun. Thank You!  I appreciate the money you use to help me.




Dear Santa,

I want a four-wheeler, Halo-4, Dead Island, boderlands2, a ventriloquist dummy and a dog, & a monkey.


Palmer J.



Dear Santa,

This Christmas I would like a dog, a new wristwatch an ipod, and a cellphone.  I do believe in you Santa!


Lance J.


Dear Santa,

I want a computerized synthesized keyboard and 1 high tom and one low tom for my drumset.  If I get this, I will be so thankful.


Michael B.


Dear Santa,

I would like a…


*awesome PS2 game

*for it to snow

*a Gameboy


Christopher C


Dear Santa,

I want a unicycle for Christmas.  I also want a new X-Box game (Portal 2). And I want a monkey and a long board.


Jack C.



Dear Santa,

May I have some heelys, a 3DS, ipod, ipad, toy assault rifle.


Zavier G.


Dear Santa,

May I have a Mac book pro, Ipod touch, Assasians Creed III, Halo 4 Special edition, Black Ops II.


Collin R.




Dear Santa,

Can I have football jersys this year, cobi Hamilton number 11, and number 7 I forgot his name and these people I already said are on the team Arkansas, and a Arkansas plastic helmet and kick ball bases and an Arkansas jersey number 85 I forgot his name, and clay matthews , plays for the green bay packers, and tebow, tim and drew brees and fottball NCAA 13.xbox. P.S. On the jersys please have there last names. Please and thank you.


Troy B.


Dear Santa,

I want a playstashon. My dog is in his pen and I proble don’t have a chimney.  I want all the games that I can dream of.  Santa I have bin good today.  I want a Ipadsurug.  Hide when you get in the door.  It is gonna be an alert  I want a moster truck.


Jairus T.


Dear Santa,

I want a tablet for Christmas.  Santa I’ve been good.  Santa I miss you.  I wish it was Christmas.  My mom and I are making cookies for you.  Bye Santa!


Yaritzy H.


Dear Santa,

I want one of your wite dogs and I want a girl one.  I am going to get you cucies and milk.  I miss you Santa!  The end.


Hayley J.


Dear Santa,

I would like a fairy Barbie, LaLa Loupsey, Zuzu princess, and a pony prncess Selestia.


Chloe F.


Dear Santa,

This Christmas I want a Phone.  I will have cookies on a plate and milk in a cup.  There will be carrots for your reindeer.  I hope you like my cookies and milk.  Can you please put me back on the nice list?  I will be good even I will lisen to my Mom and Dad  I will do what they tell me to do I will respect them.


Saxton K.


Dear Santa,

I want a will and a xbox.  You are the best prosen in the wloh. Yu can get in from the door.  I am going to leve the door open.  I love santa and you can put my presents by the tree.


Antonin P.


Dear Santa,

I want a little dog.  I am going to set out cookies and milk.  I have been very good this year.  I hope you come see me!


Shelby W.


Dear Santa,

Please Santue I want a Ed, ai pad, and a bay blad desthore, a cum-pur, and a shot gun that is my size, an Apple for my horse and a game for my Xbox 300.  Call of dute 2. I haven gud all wek.  Love,

From, Bradley W. I blev!


Dear Santa,

I belave in you.  I will have milk and cooke for you.  You have to go in the font door.  I wont a rel cat and a I Ponh. And what you bing?


Arionna P.


Dear Santa,

I really, really want that my twin doll.  This is 2nd time I have wrote you a note about that my twin doll.  Instead of a pinkraser blade scooter I want a monster high one for Christmas.  P.S. Snekey got on my purpleduck bank and I hope he didn’t take any money.  Please write back.


Abigail M


Dear Santa,

How are you and Miss Claws?  For Christmas I would like a ipod, phone, games, dolls, play doll house, and a new bagpack and that is it.  Merry Christmas Santa Claws and Miss Claws.

From, Frederica S.

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want some hot wheels and some toy truck and a drum set and two drum sticks.  How are you santa?  I hope you have a good Christmas.




Dear Santa,

I want Kit the American Girl, note books, Monster High dolls, a wii game, a new iphone with a blue case. Love Hendrix.  I hope you have a graet Christmas.




Dear Santa,

How is miss. claws and Santa. I hope you will have a good Christmas.  I wood like a Monster High doll named Abby the snow girl, a obeez smootheing spa, and I wood like my own ipod.


Ellie H.


Dear Santa,

I want a lap top for Christmas please.  I have been very good by playing with my little sister and my minding my parents.  P.S. How are you and Mrs. Clause?


Jake B.


Dear Santa,

I really want a monster high doll and a Barbie dreamhouse.  A new bike a 3Ds and my own roller skates.  A Barbie doll a glow in the dark stick. And that what I want for Christmas.  I’ve been good!  I love you Stanta.  How are you.  How are your elves.  They have worked really hard.




Dear Santa,

I really want Josefina.  She is a Amairicin girl.  She is realy pretty she has airings and a necls.  My mom will not give me it for Christmas but you do not need to give me it if you cannot.




Dear Santa,

You have been a good man forever.  You give children gifts that they love you every day. Children love you every Chrismas.  That you give as presents that we love you.  This is for you Santa.




Dear Santa,

Why did Crosdy rap toltpaper all around the front room.  Am I on the good list or bad list.




Dear Santa,

I like Christmas so much. I want a bablade.




Dear Santa,

I want a new bike for Christmas.




Dear Santa,

I want something is Mario.  I want a game or a bike.  I like Christmas so can I have something Christmas a like.  Have a merry Christmas.


Zachery Lovett


Dear Santa,

Santa I hope you hav a good Christmas thas yer and Mis. Klas to.  I luv you.




Dear Santa,

Im having a great day.  This is greatest year of all were family get together and love each other.  Can you bring me some of the toys I ask for.  Blablad Weelz and Blablad tops.  I hope you have a great time with Ms. Clase you have a great time with the elves and Merry.

From, Kendra for Satne

P.S. Read it to Ms. Claws and the elves.



Dear Santa,

Can I have a Ifon, slushi magick, shimmer glitter, a candle fire, a furby that is yellow and a furby that is blue, a verbrudly backpack, a vebrady lunch box, a vebradly water bottle.


Katie R.





Dear Santa,

I want ereings ples.

I want rings ples.





Dear Santa,

I want ligrs.

I want a house.


Zachary B.


Dear Santa,

I like to moryo BRotrs toy, DARK StAR toy HOUSE toy kor.




Dear Santa,

For chrismis I want a bike. A beach ball. A remotcuchl boat. A for welur. A calbr.


Alex, 7


Dear Santa,

I want a BB gun. I want a Bornero.  I want a ipold.  I want a forwiir.




Dear Santa,

I want a barb doll. An a dirt bike. And a good tar.  And I want a barb tent.  And a snow globe.




Dear Santa,

I like a monster high and art.




Dear Santa,

I want a dog toy and some cowgirl boots and some new shoos and a bike and a ball.


Ashley-to Santa


Dear Santa,

May I have a elf.  May I have a toy car.  May I havea thruck.  May I have a toy roboat.  I Love you Santa.




Dear Santa,

I wont a puppy, a kitten, and a elve.  How do your elves bild toys?  How do your rainder fly?




Dear Santa,

Can I have a toy car and a toy truck?

From Aaron


Dear Santa, I want a remotcontrol shark and epick mekey 2.  Are you busy this year?




Dear Santa,

Please give me a ball, tety bears, and a bat.




Dear Santa,

I what a Ramotcoun, airplan, bablad, gatare, pleaes.  I love you.




Dear Santa,

Can I have a I-tuch? And a four-Wilr and a durt-bike.  Are the elfs bise?  We have a elf at my hawe to.  Me and my burthr have ben guid.


Abby P.


Dear Santa,

I want a baby alav; and butterfly book.




Dear Santa,

I want an old toy car.  I wander how you get to all the homes.


Gavin V.


Dear Santa,

I went a 3DS and a hefe gun I’ve ben good and bad and I won’t the Lego dater star and I went to gave a thks to one and for all.




Dear Santa,

I want a ice cream maker and a wii uslstem and mushedea.


Dylan P.


Dear Santa,

I want a scope.  I want a baseball glove.


Ryan C.


Dear Santa,

Neon Green guitar strings, A-xbox game (midnight-club-LA-compete edition).  Neon Green – paint for my whammy bar, and Neon Greetn – thumb picks & a custom x-box 360 controler.


Damien Z.


Dear Santa,

I want a Halo 4 special edition xBox 360, Black Ops II, Assasian’s Creed 3.


Justin L.


Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a Target gift card.


Breeana S.


Dear Santa,

I want a new Bible so can give thanks to God for that he offers to us.


Stephanie C.


Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want some new Tennis-shoes.  A Nike bag, a candy can soft blanket, duck tape, and a crafts book.


Mary Kate


Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas is for people not to fight with each-other or all people to be nice to each other and no one ever get hurt on purpose.  And a Chinchila.  I really love Chinchilas.

From, Chloe G.


Dear Santa,

I want an Iphone 4, Fur Real Friends, Baby Butterscotch, Pictionary man, a daisy pocket scooter and a Draculausa Monster High doll.


Hannah S.


Dear Santa,

I hope I am on the nice list.  What I want for Christmas is 3DS games and clothes.  I am almost done putting up my Christmas Tree.


Christopher M.


Dear Santa,

I want world peace.


Emily W.


Dear Santa,

I want a 3DS prepaid gift card.  Theatrythm Final Fantasy Super Paper Mario Sticker, and Form my Brother to be nicer, also I want a sturdier binder that is not made of carbord and plastic, and upsp.


Hunter T.


Dear Santa,

I always wanted a cuddle elf and a pink basket ball and stickers that scratch and sniff.

A Blue red striped ball.


Isabella B.


Dear Santa,

I do not want any thing.




Dear Santa,

I would like a book and I would also like an Iphone and a camra and slippers and a elf shoe and a vera pradly purse and some earrings and some rings and some makeup and some bracelits and some candy canes and some bathrops and some nail polish and some tercher stuff to teach with and a dry eraserbord and dry eraser markers and grade book.


Abigail W.


Dear Santa,

I tried to be a good boy this year.  This year I want a X-box 360 kinex also a laptop.


Bradnon B.


Dear Santa,

I am a good girl and I want a I pad realy bad and a lot of art stuff and a horse.


Lauren C.


Dear Santa,

This Christmas I would like a I phone four, laptop, puppy, big whipe board, dry erase makers.  I really really really really really want the I phone four really bad with a hot pink case.


Camden F.


Dear Santa,

I really want a labtop a baby fight, an iphone 4s a puppy gurmin Sheppard an elf on the shelf, a new bed a snowman tv, by.


Lauren L.


Dear Santa,

I’ve been a good girl I want to get an americain girl doll.  I want the amercain girl dolls name to be anna-grace and a laptop that is wiereless and it has lsu colors on it.


Elli H.


Dear Santa,

I hope you git me for chistmas is a bike some lagos and some hand cuffs and a phone.  I hope you git me this stuff.


Will B.


Dear Santa,

I hope you have a good Christmas.  Santa HOHOHO cep up the chakes and melk *******


Eva H.


Dear Santa,

I love chismes and I love you to Santa I wold like a toy jeep I want it to be black.


Sam B.


Dear Santa,

Merry Chitmas Santa.  I wish that I had a ruby for Chitmas! And I want a figit to I can’t wate to see under my Chitmas tree.


Kylee Jordan


Dear Santa,

Mare Chrtismise Santa.  Ho are you I wot a 3DSXL for Chrtismise


Caleb S.


Dear Santa,

Will set cookies out for you and I want from you is The Sun my Little Pony.


Caroline B.


Dear Santa,

I hope you have a grate day Santa I want a Pug for Chrisma.  But I Love you Santa.  You know if I’m Bad or good.  You know what I want for Chrismas Santa.


Rylin M.


Dear Santa,

I like you.  Chrismis moning is the Best in the world.




I hope you have a jollychristmas and nobody gets kohl.  Have the elves been working hard?  Elf Sam is in my pantry eating a cookie and inside my cheezits box eating.


Michael H.


Dear Santa,

Would you get me a little bit of lego’s this year, And would please, please, please, get me a laptop and some money please.  Thanks Santa.


Aidan M.


Dear Santa,

Thank you for the letter you sent me.  I hope you have a merry Christmas and a happy new year.




Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would love a Ipad touch and a lectric scooter.  But let me ask you something what kind of cookies do you like?  I know your elvis makes toye’s but can you bring animals?  Merry Christmas Santa!


Alexis J.


Dear Santa,

It’s getting close to Christmas and there’s some stuff I want.  Aucully a lot I want “An electric scooter and a password journel & some other stuff.  LOVE U!




Dear Santa,

Thank you for Rudy he’s very speacil to are family.  I love him very much.  Oh I almost forgot for Christmas I want a doll house & some barbies & some Amearican girl dolls & a make up kit that’s all.


Emily W.


Dear Santa,

Thank you for the toys Last year.  How are you.  I hope your doing good.




Dear Santa,

You are great and don’t forget that chrismas isent all about the things you do and stuff how fast deos it take you to get house to house  p.s. how old are you?




Dear Santa,

What kind of cookies do you like santa?  Do you like milkd and cookies or cookies and milk?  How do you fly all around the world?  I love you santa clause. Love Always,




Dear Santa,

I want a Georgia Tech laptop please.  What cookies do you like?  Thank you for the Gorgia Tech alarm clock last year.


Angelyna N.


Dear Santa,

I hope you think I’ve been a good girl.  I’ve tried my hardest to be good.  I can’t wate for you to come!




Dear Santa,

It is close from Christmas eve.  I like last year Christmas.




Dear Santa,

I know you are Busy Guy. And all but this what I want.  1. Skate board Shoo’s 2. ipod #. Ipad 4. electric scooter 5. Drum’s 6. anything. I don’t care.  I love Christmas.




Dear Santa,

Thank you for ELEY the elf on the self and the cookies seents Elfy ate my Mama’s girl scout cookie bar.




Dear Santa,

How are you doing?  I can’t belive it!  These are some things that I really want.  32’TV, Blue Rayplayer, hamster and stuff for the hamster.




Dear Santa,

How re you?  What kind of cookies do you like?  Tell the Reindeer I said hi!  For Chrismas, I want the Monster High Skull Shores collection.




Dear Santa,

What do I want for Christmas?  I want the Sir Reurubal stuffed animal and a new bike, and a talking blue moneky.  And a hovercraft.  If you don’t get me a Sir Rarubel stuffed animal I am gonna be angry with you!  P.S. I also want some money.


Darien P.


Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want a Nice Downfield football – Peewee size.  Also, I want a Yen stuffed animal.  And, I want a talking Tan monkey.  And a hovercraft, and Xbox 360, a blue lion, basketball skills, monkey, a turquoise Falcon, and a purple raven.  Please get me all of this and let the animals be well-behaved.  J


From, Nelson


Dear Santa,

I want a mp3 player a camer, a cute camer strap and a rado.




Dear Santa,

I want a elf and teacher.  And Ms. Raiann a 12 toys and taclas toy.  Cookies and choclet mek.  I wont to see my granmom.


Laniya R.


Dear Santa,

Can I have a toy care? Ples give toy Dog. ples give a toy cat.











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