City of Bartlett
Pursuant to the requirements of the State of Tennessee and Ordinances of the City of Bartlett, Tennessee, the following is published and made known to all interested persons: The Bartlett Board of Mayor and Aldermen will meet on Tuesday, February 9, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. in the Bartlett City Hall Council Room to consider the following Resolution:
Resolution 01-16, a resolution approving a First Addition to the Planned Development for Elpine Gray Estates, the subject property is located to the north of the existing Elpine Gray Estates at Buckhead PD, east of Shadowlawn Road and south of Old Brownsville Road. The subject property is within the “RS-15” Single Family Residential Zoning District.
Any citizen who may wish to appear and testify either for or against this resolution will be heard. A copy of this proposal may be seen in the Planning Office at Bartlett City Hall Annex, weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Comments may be addressed to the attention of Mayor A. Keith McDonald, Bartlett City Hall, 6400 Stage Road, Bartlett, Tennessee, 38134, and are to be received no later than 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, February 9, 2016.
A. Keith McDonald
Shelby County’s Department of Housing will hold a public hearing to discuss the Shelby County housing and community development needs in preparation of the Fiscal Year 2017 Annual Action Plan (HUD Program Year 2016) at the following date, time and location:
Thursday, January 28, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. Peggy Edmiston Administration Building
1075 Mullins Station Road, Room W-263, Memphis, TN 38134. Attendees should enter the Peggy Edmiston Administration Building through the Department of Housing using entrance W-2 (center wing on west side of building).
If you plan to attend the public hearing and have special needs, please contact the Department of Housing at (901) 222-7600 by 4:30 p.m. Wednesday January 20, 2016 and we will work to accommodate you. Citizen input and public participation is strongly encouraged.
The FY 2017 Annual Action Plan establishes the basis for the use of entitlement funds for the period of July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017. The primary purpose of this hearing is to receive comments on community development needs for the FY 2017 Annual Action Plan which is the entitlement grant application to HUD for the Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership Grant. Shelby County anticipates receiving $1,076,000 in CDBG and $300,000 in HOME funds in Program Year 2016. The Annual Plan will be submitted to HUD on or before May 15, 2016.
The Hearing will also provide an update on current activities under the CDBG and HOME Programs, information on Section 3 contracting opportunities; and will provide information on other programs operated by the Department of Housing.
Persons wishing to comment on the above subject but who are unable to attend the meeting may do so by writing to Mr. Scott Walkup (, Shelby County Department of Housing, 1075 Mullins Station Road, Memphis, TN 38134. Shelby County will schedule an additional public hearing in April 2016 to present the draft Annual Action Plan for 2017 for public comment before it is submitted to HUD. For additional information contact the Department of Housing at 901-222-7600 or TTY at 901-222-2300.
The Shelby County Department of Housing does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services. Equal opportunity/equal access provider.
Para mas información en Español, por favor llame al 901-222-4289.
Mark H. Luttrell, Jr.
Jim Vazquez, Administrator
Shelby County Department of Housing
As County Trustee, I am required by law to publish
the following statement:
You are advised that after March 31, 2016, additional penalties and costs will be imposed in consequence of suits to be filed for enforcement of the lien for taxes against real property; until the filing of such suits, taxes may be paid at my office.
This notice pertains to delinquent 2014 Shelby County and (if applicable) Town of Arlington, City of Bartlett, Town of Collierville, City of Germantown, City of Lakeland, City of Memphis and City of Millington Realty taxes only.