By Carolyn Bahm
Express Editor
The hot topic at Feb. 18’s Lakeland city board meeting was a petition signed by Bolton area residents requesting annexation for an area that includes an estimated 1,026 single-family homes.
Delivered by local resident Chris Price, the petition met mixed support and opposition from audience members. Some supporters said they want to have a choice in who annexes them, while opponents worry about whether they will get any benefits or suffer drawbacks because of the annexation.
On Monday, the city released its agenda for a special-called meeting on Feb. 25. Atop the agenda is the city’s next step in evaluating Bolton’s annexation request: a resolution to initiate a formal study. Once the study is complete, the city’s leadership must then decide whether to deny the request or schedule a referendum so voters can decide on the annexation. The resolution for the study is online.
The meeting was scheduled for 6 p.m. Feb. 25 at International Harvester (I.H.) Clubhouse at 4523 Canada Road in Lakeland.
Another topic expected to be addressed at the Feb. 25 meeting is the consolidation of city boards and appointment of members. The consolidation is occurring in order to reduce steps for developers and make Lakeland a more attractive prospect for growth.